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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 43-54.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220205

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  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-02-25

Analysis of minor head losses in manhole of drainage system

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-02-25

摘要: 在对排水系统中的排水管道进行设计时,除沿程水头损失外,局部水头损失也会在特定情况下占比较大,同样不可忽略。为此,根据排水管道及雨水检查井模型的试验数据,计算了不同工况下雨水检查井的局部水头损失系数,并对计算结果进行了分析。分析结果表明:雨水检查井主支管流量比对局部水头损失系数的影响较大,为主要影响因素。随流量比的增加,局部水头损失系数增幅可达1.2;雨水检查井形状及主支管接合角度为非主要影响因素,二者对局部水头损失系数的影响均小于0.2,下游水深及出流总流量对雨水检查井局部水头损失系数几乎不产生影响;所得结果与已有成果的对比分析表明,设置对称侧支管可减小雨水检查井的局部水头损失。该结果有助于深入认识雨水检查井局部水头损失的变化特点,为实际工程中优化城市排水系统设计、完善城市洪水管理方案提供计算依据。

关键词: 雨水检查井, 局部水头损失, 排水系统, 城市内涝, 物理模型

Abstract: Besides frictional head losses in an urban drainage system, its minor head losses are significant under certain conditions and cannot be ignored in the design. Based on the model experiment of a sewer pipe system and its manhole, the minor loss coefficient of the manhole has been calculated for different working conditions, and an analysis of the calculated results is also presented. These results show that the flow ratio of the main pipe to branch pipe is a major factor that has a great effect on minor loss coefficients, and that with an increasing flow ratio, the increase in these coefficients can reach up to 1.2. The manhole shape and the angle between the main and branch pipes ranks second, two minor factors causing a minor loss coefficient change of less than 0.2 each. The downstream water depth and discharge of the outlet pipe has little impact on the coefficients; a comparative analysis of our experimental data with previous studies shows installing symmetric branch pipes reduces the minor losses. The results help an in-depth understanding of the variations in the manhole minor losses for optimizing urban drainage system design and improving practical urban flood management.

Key words: manhole, minor head losses, drainage system, urban waterlogging, physical model

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