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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 31-42.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220204

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  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-02-25

Study on multi-objective cooperative decision making of flood control water levels of reservoirs

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-02-25

摘要: 水库汛限水位分期控制是提高洪水资源利用效率有效途径。利用圆形分布法进行汛期分期;确定汛限水位分期控制的效益、风险指标集,建立风险效益多目标协同决策模型。计算各指标集效用函数,确定赢得函数值及可达效用集合,利用非线性规划求解理想Nash协商解。根据模式识别理论确定最优方案,以现状点作为风险效益协商决策基点,通过调整现状点实现对风险效益的偏好。以响洪甸水库为例,首先考虑风险效益同等看重情况,水库前、后汛期最优汛限水位分别为127.0 m和126.5 m。增加风险现状点取值实现前汛期对风险的偏好,风险赢得函数值提高,前汛期最优汛限水位随之降低;增加效益现状点取值实现后汛期对效益偏好,效益赢得函数值提高,后汛期最优汛限水位随之升高。

关键词: 汛期分期, 圆形分布法, 多目标决策, 汛限水位, Nash协商解

Abstract: Controlling the flood limit water levels of a reservoir by stages is an effective approach to raising flood water utilization rates. In this study, by dividing flood season into different stages using the circular distribution method, we determine benefit index sets and risk index sets for a staged control of the limit water levels, and construct a multi-objective collaborative decision-making model that can coordinate conflicts between risk and benefit. Then, we calculate a utility function for each index set, determine a payoff function and a reachable utility set, and solve for the ideal Nash negotiation solution using a nonlinear programming method. And by the theory of pattern recognition, an optimal scheme can be determined; a certain preference for risk or benefit can be realized using the current situation point as the basis for benefit-risk negotiation decision and then adjusting this point. In a case study of the Xianghongdian Reservoir, we adopt a condition of risk and benefit valued equally, and obtain the optimal flood control levels of 126.5 m and 127.0 m for pre-flood and post-flood stages, respectively. It shows that by raising the risk at the corresponding risk status point, a risk preference in pre-flood stage can be realized, resulting in a greater value of the risk payoff function and thus a lower optimal limit water level. Similarly, by raising the benefit at this point, a preference for benefit in post-flood season can be realized with a greater value of the benefit payoff function and a higher optimal limit water level.

Key words: flood season staging, circular distribution method, multi-objective decision, flood limit water level, Nash negotiation solution

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