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水力发电学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 1-8.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20220201

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  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-02-25

Mechanism and harmony regulation of human-water relationship in Yellow River basin

  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-02-25

摘要: 人水关系复杂且涉及要素众多,探究人水关系作用机理,针对人水关系存在的问题提出和谐调控路径具有重要意义。本文以黄河流域为例,从人文系统与水系统的自身复杂性、耦合系统复杂性、相互作用复杂性三方面阐述了人水关系的复杂性;分析了人水关系作用过程,基于人水系统互馈作用关系揭示了人水关系作用机理,总结了现阶段黄河流域人水关系存在的问题;提出了利用和谐调控解决人水关系问题的基本思路和理论方法。“黄河分水”和“区域水资源与经济社会和谐平衡”两个实例应用研究结果表明,面对黄河流域复杂的人水关系,利用和谐调控理论方法可优化流域分水方案,提高区域和谐水平,促进人水关系和谐发展,为解决人水关系问题提供了有效的手段。

关键词: 人水关系, 人水系统, 和谐调控, 作用机理, 黄河流域

Abstract: Human-water relationship is complex and involves many elements. It is important to find an effective approach for harmonious regulation of the existing conflicts on the basis of the mechanism hidden in the relationship. Using a case analysis of the Yellow River basin, this paper elucidates the complexity of human-water relationship from three aspects, complexity in the human system and the water system, complexity in their coupling, and complexity in their interaction. We examine the interaction process in human-water relationship, and reveal its mechanism based on the interaction of these two components; then, we summarize the issues in the existing human-water relationship observed in the case basin, and present an new idea - using harmonious regulation to improve such relationship. The results of two case studies, “Yellow River water distribution” and “harmony equilibrium between water resources and economy-society development”, show that facing such a complex relationship involved in this basin, we can adopt the theory and method of harmonious control to achieve an optimized water distribution plan that improves the level of its regional harmony and its human-water relationship, thus proving the approach is valid and useful.

Key words: human-water relationship, human-water system, harmonious regulation, mechanism of action, Yellow River basin

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