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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 112-123.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20211011

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  • 出版日期:2021-10-25 发布日期:2021-10-25

Unit stability analysis for Jixi pumped-storage hydropower station

  • Online:2021-10-25 Published:2021-10-25

摘要: 绩溪抽水蓄能电站是我国自主研发长短叶片技术首次在抽水蓄能机组中应用,受到多方关注。在绩溪电站首台机组调试过程中,多方组织对包含机组振动、摆度、压力脉动等测点的机组稳定性进行了全面测试,采用时域特征值和频谱分析技术对试验数据进行分析,获得了机组在抽水启动、稳定抽水、稳定发电和发电启动带负荷过程等工况下的机组稳定性特征。测试结果表明:稳定工况下,绩溪首台机组振动和摆度混频幅值均在相关规范限定的A区范围内,满足机组稳定运行的需要;相较常规混流式水泵水轮机,采用长短叶片设计转轮设计时,各测点压力脉动频率成分更加复杂;协联抽水情况下,某些测点的主频有随扬程变化而改变。抽水启动和发电带负荷过程,机组稳定性参数能够满足运行需要。

关键词: 水泵水轮机, 稳定性, 长短叶片, 动静干涉, 短时傅里叶变换

Abstract: Jixi pumped-storage hydropower station is the first hydropower station employing pump-turbine units with splitter blades developed by the domestic manufacturer, thereby catching attentions from many parties. During the commissioning of its first unit, several research teams conducted comprehensive tests on its running stability, including shaft run-outs, stationary component vibrations, and pressure pulsations.This paper employs the method of tracking the time-domain peak-to-peak values as well as using the spectrum technique in frequency domain to analyze the measured data, and discusses the characteristics of unit stability in different working modes﹣stable pumping operation, stable generating operation, pump mode startup, and turbine mode startup under load increasing. The testing results indicate that in stable running conditions, all the peak-to-peak values of the shaft run-out and stationary vibration are in Zone A of the specifications, thus meeting the requirements of safe operation. A pump-turbine unit with splitter blades has much more complicated frequency spectra of pressure pulsations in comparison with a routine Francis pump-turbine. In stable on-cam running of pump mode, dominant frequencies at certain measuring points vary with water head. For the startup processes of pump mode and turbine mode, the unit stability parameters meet the requirements of operation.

Key words: pump-turbine, stability analysis, splitter blade, rotor-stator interaction, short-time Fourier transform

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