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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 65-72.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210807

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  • 出版日期:2021-08-25 发布日期:2021-08-25

Fish-friendly turbine with two counter-rotating runners. Concepts and runner optimization

  • Online:2021-08-25 Published:2021-08-25

摘要: 水电工程在产生巨大正效益的同时,也存在影响鱼类洄游的生态负效应;鱼类友好型水轮机因能助鱼下行过坝,近年备受关注。针对河床式水电站,以减小鱼类损伤为主要目标,通过加长流道减小压力梯度,提出一种新型转轮:螺旋叶片,流道长、叶片少,降低鱼类撞击概率;双转轮对旋,既加长流道,又提高效率;叶片进出口均满足最优速度三角形条件。CFD模拟优化结果表明,最高发电效率达80.4 %,压力梯度小于鱼类友好水轮机的国际推荐标准,兼顾了发电效率和过鱼特性。

关键词: 水轮机, 鱼类友好, CFD模拟, 过鱼特性, 双转轮, 转轮优化

Abstract: While hydropower projects bring many positive benefits to people, they also produce some negative ecological effects like cutting off fish migration channels. To alleviate such side effects, fish-friendly turbines have attracted great research attention in recent years. This paper presents a new fish-friendly turbine for run-of-river hydropower plants. Aimed at reducing pressure gradients to obtain low fish casualties, this turbine has three major features: fewer spiral blades with long blade passages, better for lowering its fish hitting probability; two counter-rotating runners, better for lengthening its flow passage and improving its generating efficiency; all its blades satisfy the optimal conditions of velocity triangles at the blade inlet and outlet, better for even and smooth distributions of velocity and pressure. CFD simulations show that its generating efficiency can reach up to 80.4% and its pressure gradient is better than the existing fish-friendly standard recommended by international scholars.

Key words: water turbine, fish-friendly, CFD simulation, fish-passing characteristics, two runners, runner optimization

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