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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 73-86.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210707

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  • 出版日期:2021-07-25 发布日期:2021-07-25

Three-dimensional simulations of structure of temperature and dissolved oxygen and its variations in Guanting Reservoir under ecological regulation

  • Online:2021-07-25 Published:2021-07-25

摘要: 水温与溶解氧是表征水生生态系统健康与否的重要参数。为量化生态调度对官厅水库水温与溶解氧的影响,建立了官厅水库三维温、氧模型,通过现场实测数据对模型进行了校正与验证。结果表明,该模型可用于官厅水库温、氧模拟。结合官厅水库实际运行情况,设置不同生态调度情景,模拟结果表明:(1)官厅水库具有明显的热氧分层特征,调水将缩小表底温差,使分层时间延后,层结持续时间减少;而在生态流量下泄情景下,温跃层厚度与强度进一步减小,分别为0.5 ~ 1.7 m与1.25 ~ 3.58 ℃/m。同时考虑调水与生态下泄时,温跃层深度下降,但厚度变化不大而强度明显增加。(2)调水和生态下泄均会破坏水体的“氧跃层”,但对表层溶解氧影响不明显,变幅在-4.65% ~ 7.28%之间,而对底层有明显的增氧效果。(3)考虑生态下泄时,底层溶解氧浓度平均增加了1.85 ~ 8.52 mg/L,而同时考虑调水与生态下泄时,底层水体增氧效果更明显,增幅达2.71 ~ 12.83 mg/L,从而消除了底层水体的无氧环境,减少了低氧区域而使富氧期延长。为改善类似水体缺氧环境和理解湖库热氧分布提供一定参考。

关键词: 生态调度, 水温, 溶解氧, 官厅水库, 三维模拟

Abstract: Water temperature (WT) and dissolved oxygen (DO) are important parameters to characterize the healthy status of an aquatic ecosystem. This study develops a three-dimensional model of water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the Guanting Reservoir (GTR) to quantify the impact of its ecological regulation. This model is calibrated and verified against on-site measured data, demonstrating its capability of predicting the reservoir’s temperature and oxygen conditions. Combined with real reservoir operation, different scenarios are designed to analyze structural changes in WT and DO in the reservoir area. (1) The simulations show obvious WT and DO stratification in GTR. Water transfer operation causes a delay in stratification start time and a decrease in stratification duration and surface-bottom temperature difference, while ecological discharge brings about a further decrease in the thickness and intensity of thermocline up to the variation ranges of 0.5-1.7 m and 1.25-3.58oC/m respectively. Simultaneous operation of the transfer and discharge strengthens water body mixing in the reservoir, resulting in an increase in the thermocline depth up to an average range of 6.2-8.6 m, an increase in thermocline intensity, and a slight change in thermocline thickness. (2) Either water transfer or ecological discharge will damage the oxycline of water body and has a significant effect of increasing oxygen content in the bottom layer, but its effect on the surface DO that varies in a range of -4.7% to 7.3% is insignificant. (3) DO concentration in the bottom water is increased by 1.85-8.52 mg/L under the operation of ecological discharge only, while increased by 2.71-12.83 mg/L under both the transfer and discharge, producing more prominent oxygen enriching effect. This will eliminate the anaerobic environment in the reservoir bottom layer, reduce the low oxygen area, and prolong the oxygen rich period, revealing significant measures for improving anoxic environment in lakes and reservoirs.

Key words: ecological operation, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, Guanting Reservoir, three-dimensional simulation

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