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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 61-72.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210706

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  • 出版日期:2021-07-25 发布日期:2021-07-25

Influence of regulating small and medium floods on algal blooms in tributaries of Three Gorges Reservoir in flood season

  • Online:2021-07-25 Published:2021-07-25

摘要: 为研究三峡水库汛期中小洪水调度对典型支流水华的影响,以香溪河为例,选取2010—2019年水库调度过程中各环境因子参数进行分析。结果表明:汛期香溪河库湾水温适宜,光照、营养盐含量充足,利于藻类水华暴发,而利用洪水调度来防范支流水华仍是目前最直接有效的方法。三峡水库进行洪水调度时,改变了香溪河库湾的水动力和水环境条件,混光比与水位波动正相关(P = 0.32*),与叶绿素a浓度负相关(P = -0.239*)。三峡水库汛期调度过程发生频繁,调度持续时间较长,调度期间总体流量较大。三峡水库进行洪水调度时,香溪河库湾异重流倒灌潜入深度增加,倒灌形式转变为中下层倒灌,调度对支流水体扰动增大,使水体分层减弱,抑制水华暴发。本研究为有效利用汛期调度过程改善三峡水库支流水环境提供了新的认识,为进一步研究调度方法优化调度实践提供了支撑。

关键词: 三峡水库, 香溪河库湾, 洪水调度, 水华

Abstract: To study the influence of regulating small and medium floods into the Three Gorges reservoir in flood season on the algal blooms in its typical tributaries, we focus on a case study of Xiangxi Bay and examine the environmental factor parameters and their variations during its regulation from 2010 to 2019. The results show that in flood season, an outbreak of algal blooms will occur in the bay because it is featured with favorable conditions-suitable water temperature, sufficient light, and adequate nutrient content; and to suppress and prevent the blooms, flood regulation is still the most direct, effective method at present. In 2010-2019, flood regulation by this reservoir modified the hydrodynamic and water environmental conditions in this bay. The depth ratio of its mixing layer over photic zone was correlated positively with its river stage fluctuation (P = 0.32*) and negatively with Chlorophyll a concentration (P = -0.239*). Flood regulation was a frequent practice in the reservoir operation, often with a long regulation duration and a relatively large overall flow. During flood regulation, the depth of density currents in the bay was increased, and its form was switched to plunging in middle and bottom layers. Reservoir dispatching promoted disturbance to the tributary water bodies, weakening their stratification and suppressing algal blooms. This study offers new insights for effective use of flood regulation to improve water environment in the tributaries of the Three Gorges reservoir and is useful for further studies on the methods of flood regulation and its optimization.

Key words: Three Gorges Reservoir, Xiangxi Bay, flood regulation, algal blooms

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