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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 169-178.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210616

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  • 出版日期:2021-06-25 发布日期:2021-06-25

Microscopic damage detection of sandstone using digital core technology

  • Online:2021-06-25 Published:2021-06-25

摘要: 细观结构的检测对研究砂岩损伤具有重要意义。本文对损伤前后的砂岩试件分别进行CT扫描测试,定量表征了砂岩细观损伤。利用数字岩心技术实现代表体积元的孔喉分析和有限元模拟,探讨了细观损伤机制并对宏细观损伤进行比较。通过CT扫描结果的三维重构统计砂岩的孔隙缺陷,获取有效承载面积并将其与弹性模量进行比较,证明CT扫描能准确反映砂岩损伤情况。从代表体积元中提取孔喉特征参数,发现损伤会对孔喉参数产生显著影响,而喉道长度和孔隙配位数的增加是造成细观损伤的主要因素。将CT处理软件Avizo与有限元软件Comsol对接,实现代表体积元的弹性模量模拟,模拟结果表明宏细观损伤存在一致性。本文为数字岩心技术在岩石损伤研究中的应用探索了一种路径。

关键词: 数字岩心, CT扫描, 细观结构, 损伤, 砂岩

Abstract: Detection of microstructures is important for the study of sandstone damage. In this paper, CT scan tests are conducted on sandstone specimens before and after damage; pore throat analysis and finite element simulations of representative volume elements (RVEs) are conducted using digital rock core technology to quantitatively characterize the microscopic damage to sandstone and explore its mechanism. We count the pore defects of sandstone through 3D reconstruction of the sandstone microstructure from the CT scan images, obtain the effective bearing area, and compare it with elastic modulus, verifying CT images can reflect sandstone damage. The pore throat characteristic parameter of RVEs is significantly affected by damage, where the increases in the throat length and pore coordination number are two major factors contributing to microscopic damage. We interface the CT processing software Avizo with the finite element software Comsol to implement elastic modulus simulations of RVEs, proving digital rock cores can unify macroscopic and microscopic damage to sandstone.

Key words: digital rock core, CT scanning, mesoscopic structure, damage, sandstone

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