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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 31-40.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210604

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  • 出版日期:2021-06-25 发布日期:2021-06-25

Study on accuracy evaluation and substitutability of multiple precipitation products on Loess Plateau

  • Online:2021-06-25 Published:2021-06-25

摘要: 降水融合数据产品为资料匮乏区域的水文研究提供了新的数据来源。结合黄土高原渭河流域地面站点观测数据,定量分析了多源融合降水数据CMFD、MSWEP、大气同化数据CMADS等降水产品的多时空尺度精度和应用潜力,应用流域分布式水文模型SWAT探讨了各降水产品在渭河日流量模拟中对地面实测降水数据的可替代性。结果表明,这3套降水数据基本上能够体现流域降水空间分布规律,但存在一定程度的偏差,在各时间尺度的降水量对比中MSWEP表现较优,日尺度的平均误差仅为0.05 mm。对各降水数据采用变化参数重新率定后的模拟精度比固定参数情景明显改善,能够有效模拟流域的日流量变化过程。说明这些降水产品在渭河流域水文模拟中具有替代地面站点实测降水数据的潜力。

关键词: 遥感降水产品, 精度评价, 水文模拟, 黄土高原

Abstract: Precipitation products provides a new data source for hydrological research of data-poor areas. This paper analyzes quantitatively multi-temporal and multi-spatial scale accuracy and application potential of multi-source fusion precipitation products (CMFD and MSWEP) and an atmospheric assimilation dataset (CMADS) combined with the observation data from the ground stations in the Weihe River basin. The watershed distributed hydrological model, SWAT, is used to explore the substitutability of these precipitation products for the ground-measured precipitation data of the basin in simulations of the river daily flow. The results show that the three precipitation datasets can basically reflect the spatial distribution of precipitation over the basin, but a certain degree of deviation exists. MSWEP performs better at various time scales, and its average error at daily scale is only 0.05 mm. Simulation accuracies forced by the precipitation data recalibrated using adjustable parameters are significantly improved over those in fixed parameter scenarios, indicating a practical approach to effective simulation of the basin’s daily hydrograph. Thus, this study shows that in hydrological simulations, precipitation products have potential to replace precipitation measurements at the ground stations in the Weihe River basin.

Key words: remote sensing precipitation products, accuracy evaluation, hydrological simulation, Loess Plateau

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