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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 11-21.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210502

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  • 出版日期:2021-05-25 发布日期:2021-05-25

Intelligent control theory of thermal stress in mass concrete structures

  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-05-25

摘要: 温度致裂是大体积混凝土施工期面临的难题,而温度应力控制是防裂控裂的关键,为此提出了一种基于人工智能、运筹学、自动控制和数值仿真交叉型新四元理论结构形式的大体积混凝土温度应力智能控制理论。基于该理论实现的温度应力智能控制系统包含全面感知、智能决策和自动控制三部分,全面感知单元采集分析各类施工条件、材料性能及仿真计算数据,智能决策单元通过全局优化方法给出最优冷却通水策略,自动控制单元依据优化策略实现双闭环控制。应用举例表明,提出的大体积混凝土温度应力智能控制理论可实现混凝土浇筑全过程温度应力的智能控制,在确保每一仓混凝土施工期温度应力均符合安全要求的基础上充分发挥材料的性能。

关键词: 大体积混凝土, 温度应力, 智能控制理论, 智能决策

Abstract: Temperature cracking is a difficult problem in the construction of mass concrete, and its thermal stress control is the key to crack prevention and crack control. For this reason, an intelligent control theory of mass concrete thermal stress is developed in this study based on artificial intelligence, operations research, automatic control, and finite element method, forming a new cross-type quaternary theoretical structure. Applying this theory, we construct a thermal stress intelligent control system that comprises three units: comprehensive perception, intelligent decision-making, and automatic control. The comprehensive perception unit collects and analyzes the data of various construction conditions, material performance, and numerical simulation data; the intelligent decision-making unit generates optimal solutions using a global optimization method. For the cooling water flow strategy, the automatic control unit realizes double closed-loop control according to the optimized strategy. Application shows that this mass concrete thermal stress intelligent control theory can achieve an intelligent control of the temperature stress over the whole pouring period, and give full play to the performance of concrete material through ensuring the thermal stress of each poured layer meets the safety requirements in construction period.

Key words: mass concrete, thermal stress, intelligent control theory, intelligent decision

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