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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 25-34.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210403

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  • 出版日期:2021-04-25 发布日期:2021-04-25

Power generation benefit distribution mechanism of cascade hydropower stations grouped by aggregation and dimensionality reduction

  • Online:2021-04-25 Published:2021-04-25

摘要: 针对数量较多的梯级水电站,本文以运营管辖关系、上下游关系、调节性能和联调关系为原则,将电站聚合降维成少量主体,考虑梯级所有主体(电站)投产并开展联合调度的合作组合形式,以梯级主体(电站)多年平均发电量最大为目标,建模求解主体发电效益,基于合作博弈理论和“综合赋权”思想,分配主体间和主体内部电站间补偿效益,形成相应的效益分配机制。工程应用实例表明,本文通过对电站聚合降维,有效减少了模型数量,提升了计算效率,更重要的是合理量化和分配了主体、电站间的发电补偿效益,对于协调不同主体、电站共同参与梯级联合调度具有重要意义。

关键词: 梯级电站, 聚合降维, 发电补偿效益分配, 合作博弈, 综合赋权

Abstract: Aimed at a large number of cascade hydropower stations, this article aggregates all the stations into a small number of groups according to their operating management relationship, upstream/ downstream relationship, regulation performance, and joint dispatch relationship. For these cascade groups (hydropower stations), we consider the types of their cooperation under joint dispatching for the goal of maximizing their multi-year average power generation. We model their generation benefit and allocate the compensation benefits to groups and the hydropower stations within each group based on the cooperative game theory and a method of comprehensive weights assignment, achieving a corresponding benefit distribution mechanism. Application to the cascade stations shows our method effectively reduces the number of models and improves calculation efficiency through the aggregation and dimensionality reduction of the stations. More important, it can reasonably quantify and distribute the compensation benefits among the groups and among all the hydropower stations, which is of great significance for coordinating different groups and different hydropower stations and promoting their participation in cascade joint dispatching.

Key words: cascade hydropower stations, aggregation and dimensionality reduction, power generation compensation benefit distribution, cooperative game, comprehensive empowerment

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