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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 1-13.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210401

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  • 出版日期:2021-04-25 发布日期:2021-04-25

Channel degradation and river stage variations in reaches downstream of Three Gorges Reservoir

  • Online:2021-04-25 Published:2021-04-25

摘要: 为探析三峡水库下游河床冲淤与水沙输移之间的关系以及河床冲淤对洪枯水位的影响,采用三峡水库运用前后长江中下游水文泥沙和河道地形资料,分析归纳了主要水文站水沙变化、沿程河道冲淤分布和洪枯水位变化特征。研究表明:冲刷集中于枯水河槽既与洪水频次减少、中等流量持续时间加长有关,也与中等流量下河道冲刷率大、洪水流量下河道冲刷率小的特点有关;主冲刷带自上而下推移,目前仍位于荆江河段;粗沙(d > 0.125 mm)的年均输移量至监利基本可恢复至蓄水前的多年均值,城陵矶以下长河段冲刷主要是细颗粒冲刷导致;河道冲刷导致中枯水位明显下降,并在城陵矶以上沙质河段呈现加速下降趋势,但当流量大于平滩流量附近的临界值时,高水位变化不大,初步预估这种变化特点将在较长时期内保持。

关键词: 三峡水库, 坝下游, 河床冲刷, 水位变化

Abstract: Field observation data for the middle and lower Yangtze before and after the operation of Three Gorges reservoir (TGR) have been collected and analyzed in this study to examine the relationship between channel erosion and sediment transport in the reaches downstream of TGR and to evaluate the impact of channel degradation on the river stage in flood season and low flow season. Our detailed analysis includes variations in flow and sediment regimes at the hydrological stations, spatial distributions and time variations in erosion volume in the river channel, and river stage variations with different discharges. The results show that the concentrated scour in low-flow channels is related not just to the decrease in flood frequency and longer duration of medium flows, but to the characteristics of channel scour at a high rate under medium flows and a low rate under flood flows. The main erosion zone has been moving downstream over time, and up to the present it has been staying in the Jingjiang reach. At the Jianli station, the annual mean transport of coarse sediment (d > 0.125 mm) has recovered to the same multi-year mean level as before TGR impoundment, while most of the erosion in the long reach immediately downstream of Chenglingji was related to fine grain sediment. Channel erosion caused a significant drop in the medium and low river stages, and such a tendency showed a growing rate in the sandy reaches upstream from Chenglingji. However, the river stage did not drop considerably when the channel flow was above a certain threshold around the bankfull discharge. We estimate the main characteristics of river stage changes discussed above will be maintained in quite a long period in future.

Key words: Three Gorges reservoir, downstream of the dam, channel degradation, river stage variation

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