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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 165-172.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210316

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  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-03-25

In-situ experimental study on deformation behaviors of lining structure for shield tunnels under high internal pressure

  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-03-25

摘要: 针对城市地下高内压盾构输水隧洞工程,提出一种“外衬管片-中衬自密实混凝土(self compacting concrete,SCC)-内衬钢管”分离式衬砌结构,立足珠江三角洲水资源配置工程试验段,开展衬砌结构原位试验,探索该结构的变形行为。采用柔性囊体实现洞内高内压的可控有序加压模拟,并使用光纤光栅及分布式光缆测试技术对结构变形进行了监测。结果表明:随内压的增加,管片、自密实混凝土与钢管的变形逐渐增加;自密实混凝土内弧面和管片内弧面混凝土应变相对自密实混凝土外弧面应变分布更为均匀,复合排水板达到有效分离管片和自密实混凝土的效果;钢管呈现整体受拉、局部受弯的变形特征,变形受内压影响显著。

关键词: 输水隧洞, 钢管衬砌, 分开受力结构, 原位试验, 变形规律

Abstract: For the construction of urban water conveyance underground shield tunnels under high internal pressure, we propose a separate lining structure of self-compacting concrete (SCC)-lined steel pipe, and present an in-situ experiment on this new structure for exploring its deformation behaviors that was conducted in the test section of a water resources allocation project in Pearl River Delta. Flexible capsules are used to simulate the high internal pressure in the tunnel; the testing technology of fiber Bragg grating and distributed optical cables used to monitor the structure deformation. The results show that as the internal pressure increases, the deformation in the segment, self-compacting concrete, and steel pipe are increased gradually; the strain distributions at the concrete’s inner arc surface and the segment’s arc surface are more uniform than those at the concrete’s outer arc surface. The composite drainage plate can effectively separate the segment and the self-compacting concrete. The deformation in the steel pipe manifests characteristics of overall tension and local bending, and is significantly affected by internal pressure.

Key words: water conveyance tunnel, steel tube linings, separate bearing structure, in-situ test, deformation law

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