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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 50-63.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210305

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  • 出版日期:2021-03-25 发布日期:2021-03-25

Short-term power balance model considering cost of abandoned hydropower

  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-03-25

摘要: 为提高汛期水电消纳能力,本文在已有成本最小模型中引入弃水惩罚成本,建立了考虑弃水电量成本的短期电力电量平衡模型;针对模型求解过程中难以有效获取满足大规模复杂约束的可行解的不足,避免算法过早收敛和陷入局部最优,提出了基于滚动修正策略的改进粒子群算法。云南省滇中区域电网计算结果表明,相较于成本最小模型,虽然其它能源成本增加了142万元,但汛期弃水电量减少了714万kWh,系统总成本降低了7.04%;相较于弃水电量成本最小模型,虽然弃水电量增加了285万kWh,但火电成本降低了1795万元,系统总成本降低了21.65%;在缺乏调峰容量的时段内,适度安排其他电站进行调峰能够有效减小弃水电量和总成本。

关键词: 电力系统, 短期电力电量平衡模型, 弃水电量, 粒子群优化算法, 调峰

Abstract: To raise the level of hydropower consumption during flood season, an objective of minimizing abandoned hydropower cost is added to the previous minimum cost model, and a short-term power balance model that takes this cost into account is developed for the power system. And an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is formulated based on a rolling correction strategy to overcome the difficulty in obtaining effective feasible solutions satisfying large-scale complex constraints and to avoid premature convergence and local optimization. Calculations of the Dianzhong regional power grid in Yunnan Province shows that relative to the minimum cost model, although the cost of the other energy sources is increased by 1.42 million Yuan, the abandoned hydropower in flood season is decreased by 7.14 million kWh and the total system cost by 7.0%. Relative to the minimum abandoned hydropower model, although the abandoned hydropower is increased by 2.85 million kWh, the thermal power cost is decreased by 17.95 million yuan and the total system cost by 21.7%. In the period of peak regulation capacity lacking, a proper arrangement of the other power stations for peak regulation can effectively reduce the abandoned hydropower and total cost.

Key words: power system, short-term power balance model, abandoned hydropower, particle swarm optimization algorithm, peak regulation

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