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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 187-194.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210219

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  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-02-25

Experimental study on consolidation-rheology characteristics of soil-aggregate mixture materials

  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-02-25

摘要: 堰塞坝料大多为土石混合料且具有级配分布范围较宽的特点,其流变变形将影响堰塞坝的长期运行安全。本文选择典型的反映宽级配特征的三组试验材料,采用大型固结仪开展固结流变试验。根据试验结果,分析了竖向应力对流变应变的影响规律,发现流变应变随竖向应力的增大呈对数趋势增大,且在高应力范围内应力增大时流变变形增量更为显著;探讨了级配特征对流变变形的影响,认为级配良好且不均匀系数较大的材料,流变量值相对较小,而对于级配特征值均较小且细颗粒含量较高的材料,流变量值更为显著;基于流变试验时程规律,建立了四参数双曲线型的固结流变模型。模型结果较为准确,能较好地反映宽级配粗粒料固结流变特征。

关键词: 土石混合料, 宽级配, 固结流变试验, 流变模型

Abstract: The materials of most barrier dams comprise soil-aggregate mixture featured with a wide range of grading, and its rheological deformation is crucial to the long-term safe dam operation. This study conducts a consolidation-rheology test of three typical mixture materials with wide grading, using a large-scale testing apparatus. Analysis on the test results reveals that rheological strain increases with vertical stress following a logarithmic law, and the trend of increase is more prominent in the case of high vertical stress. We have examined the effect of material grading characteristics on rheological deformation, finding relatively small deformation in well-graded materials with large non-uniformity coefficients, while more significant deformation in materials with low grading characteristic values and high contents of fine particles. A four-parameter hyperbolic rheological model is constructed for time variations in the deformation; and it proves quite accurate as shown in our test results, well reflecting the consolidation-rheology characteristics of soil-aggregate mixture materials with wide grading.

Key words: soil-aggregate mixture material, wide grading, consolidate-rheology test, rheological model

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