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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 89-99.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210209

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  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-02-25

Fitting reservoir stage-capacity curves and its application in reservoir operation

  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-02-25

摘要: 发电调度模型中水库容积特性的离散化表征导致调度模型数学解析变得困难和模型求解效率低,而已有研究对水库容积特性的函数化表征缺乏统一性,有必要开展水库容积特性曲线定线研究。本文基于水库水位-库容实测离散数据点,通过线性和非线性最小二乘拟合获取不同线型的水库容积特性曲线,并对不同线型容积特性曲线的拟合优度及工程应用效果进行综合评价。长江流域23座水库的实例研究表明,幂函数型容积特性曲线在描述水库容积特性方面具有广泛适用性和良好可靠性,可作为表征水库容积特性的一种通用性线型。研究可在促进各类发电调度模型解析优化求解方法的内在统一性以及提升模型求解效率方面发挥效用。

关键词: 水电站水库, 水位-库容关系, 水库容积特性曲线, 曲线拟合, 幂函数线型

Abstract: Discrete representation of the stage-capacity curve of a reservoir in a power generation dispatching model usually leads to difficulty in mathematical analysis and low efficiency in model solution. However, this relationship lacks a unified function expression and we need to examine its curve fitting. Using discrete data points of reservoir stage and capacity measured in-situ, this study derives the relationship for three different curves through linear and nonlinear least square fitting, and evaluates comprehensively their goodness of fit and the effect in practical application. A case study of 23 reservoirs in the upper Yangtze basin shows that in describing the relationship, stage-capacity curves of the power function have wide applicability and good reliability and can be used as a general curve type. The study can help promote a unified analytical expression of reservoir stage-capacity relationship and improve the solution efficiency of hydropower generation scheduling and optimization models.

Key words: hydropower reservoir, reservoir stage-capacity curve, reservoir capacity characteristic curve, curve fitting, power function

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