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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 42-52.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210205

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  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-02-25

Multi-objective optimal operation of cascade reservoirs in Xijiang River Basin considering different saltwater-suppressing levels

  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-02-25

摘要: 咸潮入侵一直是影响西江流域供水安全的重要因素,合理的水库调度成为压咸补淡的关键措施。考虑水库群发电效益和下游梧州断面压咸任务,建立以梯级总发电量最大和压咸流量下限最大为目标的实时优化调度模型进行研究。结果表明:流域主要通过抬高岩滩水位、增加岩滩压咸风险的方式来提高发电量,其余水库负责消减岩滩增高的风险,保证压咸流量;流域90%来水频率下,损失0.06%的梯级发电量,可将调度期内梧州断面的压咸流量提高到3163 m3/s;流域95%来水频率下,在将压咸保证程度提高至3天的同时,发电量能够增加33万kW·h。研究成果揭示了压咸风险在水库间的传递规律,对于保障珠三角及大湾区的供水安全具有重要的实际意义和应用价值。

关键词: 压咸, 水库群, 多目标, 优化调度, 风险

Abstract: Salt tide intrusion has always been an important factor of water supply safety in the Xijiang River Basin, and reasonable reservoir operation becomes a key measure to suppress saltwater and fill freshwater. This study develops a real-time optimal operation model for the cascade reservoirs in the Xijiang River basin to maximize both the cascade’s total power output and the lower limit of saltwater-suppressing flows, considering power generation benefits and the saltwater-suppression goal for the downstream Wuzhou section. The results show that the basin should increase power output mainly by raising the Yantan reservoir’s water stage and the risk of salt suppression, while the other reservoirs be responsible for reducing this risk and ensuring the saltwater-suppression flowrate. With the basin inflow at a frequency of 90%, a loss of 0.06% in the cascade power output leads to the suppressing flow to be increased up to 3163 m3/s at Wuzhou in operation period. With a 95% basin inflow, the power output will be increased by 330,000 kW·h, while the saltwater suppression guarantee level increased to a period of three days. The results reveal how the saltwater control risk to transfer between different reservoirs, enhancing water supply safety for the Pearl River delta and the Greater Bay area.

Key words: saltwater intrusion suppression, cascade reservoirs, multi-objective, optimal operation, risk

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