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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 1-11.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210201

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  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-02-25

Low-water channel adjustment in middle Yangtze River after operation of Three Gorges Project and its effect on navigation

  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-02-25

摘要: 三峡工程运用后,长江中游河段持续冲刷,枯水河槽形态调整显著,对航运条件产生了较大的影响。本文首先采用枯水河槽形态参数计算方法,确定了长江中游各固定断面的枯水河槽形态参数;然后采用基于对数转换的几何平均与断面间距加权平均相结合的河段平均方法,计算了2003—2016年长江中游4个子河段的平均枯水河槽形态参数。计算结果表明长江中游枯水河槽宽深比总体呈减小趋势,河床趋于窄深,对航运条件有利。此外还建立了各子河段枯水河槽形态参数与前期多年平均水沙条件之间的经验关系:当滞后响应年数n = 5时,经验关系在宜枝及荆江河段的决定系数达到最大;而当n = 7时,经验关系在城汉及汉湖河段的决定系数达到最大。总体而言,各河段枯水河槽形态参数调整(除河宽外)均可对进口水沙条件的改变做出较好的响应,且越靠近三峡大坝,响应程度越高。

关键词: 枯水河槽, 水沙条件, 航运条件, 长江中游, 三峡工程

Abstract: Since the operation of Three Gorges Project (TGP), significant channel erosion has occurred in the middle Yangtze River (MYR) mainstream, resulting in continual adjustments in low-water channel morphology in its different sub-reaches. This paper determines the low-water channel dimensions for different cross-sections of this reach, and calculates the reach-scale low-water channel dimensions for its four sub-reaches of 2003 to 2016 using a reach-averaged method. We find that the channel was developing into a narrower and deeper geometry and its width-depth ratio was generally decreased, thereby resulting in an improvement on navigation conditions. In addition, we develop empirical relationships of the low-water channel dimensions versus the previous years’ flow and sediment regime for different sub-reaches. The relationships show that in this period, the determination coefficients were maximized in the Yizhi and Jingjiang reaches at a flow-sediment responding lag of five years, while maximized in the Chenghan and Hanhu reaches at the lag of seven years. In all these sub-reaches, the adjustments of low-water channel morphology were significantly affected by the incoming flow and sediment conditions in the previous five or seven years respectively. Overall, the low-water channel (except for the width) responded well to the altered flow-sediment regime, and its adjustment will be larger in the sub-reaches closer to the dam.

Key words: low-water river channel, flow and sediment regime, navigation condition, middle Yangtze River, Three Gorges Project

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