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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 43-53.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210105

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  • 出版日期:2021-01-25 发布日期:2021-01-25

Study on three methods for controlling year-end water stage in Lianghekou Reservoir

  • Online:2021-01-25 Published:2021-01-25

摘要: 为分析不同消落水位控制方式及流域来水年际差异性对梯级系统中多年调节水库调度结果的影响,本文以雅砻江流域中下游梯级水库群为例,基于多维动态规划的最优化计算结果,对比分析了三种针对两河口水库的多年调节水库年末消落水库控制方法,即固定消落水位控制方式、函数形式控制方式和基于动态控制阈的动态控制方式,提出了一套新的梯级系统中多年调节水库年末最佳消落水位优化控制方法,实现了多年水库年末消落水位的优选问题与来水频率差异性相耦合。研究成果可用于指导含多年调节水库的梯级水库联合优化调度,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。

关键词: 多年调节水库, 消落水位, 控制方式, 动态控制, 雅砻江, 两河口水库

Abstract: This paper examines the influence of different control methods of the year-end water stage in a multi-year regulating reservoir and the inter-annual variations in its inflow on the resulted operation of the cascade system, through a case study of the cascade reservoirs in the middle and lower Yalong River. We conduct optimization calculations of multi-dimensional dynamic programming and compare three operating methods - fixed stages, stage variations by a specified function, and stage variations under dynamic bounds - for controlling the year-end stage in the Lianghekou Reservoir, and work out a new optimal control method that can achieve coupling optimization with inflow frequency variations. This study is useful to improve the joint operation and the social and economic benefits of the cascade reservoirs with multi-year regulating reservoirs.

Key words: multi-year regulating reservoir, year-end water stage, control mode, dynamic control, Yalong River, Lianghekou Reservoir

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