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水力发电学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 1-12.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20210101

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特约论文:水电工程设计施工一体化精益建造技术研究进展 ——数字孪生应用模式探索


  • 出版日期:2021-01-25 发布日期:2021-01-25

Advances in research of lean construction technology of integrated design and construction for hydropower projects: Exploration of digital twin application mode

  • Online:2021-01-25 Published:2021-01-25

摘要: 随着工程总承包模式在水利水电行业的普及应用,以设计为龙头的设计施工一体化模式已成为降本增效、统一管理、科学决策的有效手段。本文全面评述了国内外及水利水电行业总承包模式、设计模式、建造模式和设计施工协同模式的发展现状,明确了水电工程设计施工一体化目前的行业痛点及主要发展瓶颈,提出立足于信息化技术前沿,深化技术创新与实践,以正向设计和精益建造模式为基础,解决设计施工一体化过程中设计优化效率低、设计施工信息互馈过程烦琐、智能化建造水平不高等问题。针对这一理念,本文以数字孪生技术为未来的基础应用架构,详细阐述了未来的重点研究方向,为提高水电工程设计施工一体化水平,弥补水利信息化短板提供技术指引。

关键词: 设计施工一体化, 数字孪生, 工程总承包模式, 正向设计, 精益建造

Abstract: With popularization and application of the project general contracting model in the water conservancy and hydropower industry, the integrated design and construction model led by design has become an effective means of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, unified management, and scientific decision-making. This paper reviews the recent advances in the research of general contracting models, design models, construction models, and design and construction collaboration models for the water conservancy and hydropower industry in China and overseas; and clarifies the current pain points of this industry and its major bottlenecks in developing and implementing such integrated models. We investigate the key roles and concept of applying the informatization technology forefront, deepening technological innovation and practice, and adopting the top-down design and lean construction models in solving the existing problems of low design optimization efficiency in design and construction integration, cumbersome mutual feedback of design and construction information, and low level of intelligent construction. To further develop this concept, taking the digital twin technology as a basic application framework for the future, we expound key research directions for further research, and suggest how to promote the integrated design and construction in hydropower development and overcome the shortcomings in water conservancy informatization.

Key words: integrated design and construction, digital twin, project general contracting model, top-down design, lean construction

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