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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 62-75.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20201206

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  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2020-12-25

Long-term optimal dispatching of cascade hydropower stations under large-scale wind power grid integration

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 随着新能源的快速发展,大规模风电并网条件下电网需要更多的调节能力,梯级水电站利用其灵活的调节能力可以与大规模风电联合运行。本文研究了风电的日内反调峰特性对梯级水电站发电的影响,并得到梯级水电站的日发电量上下限。然后,通过这个日发电量约束搭建梯级水电站长期调度与短期调度的桥梁,以达到在长期优化调度中考虑风电的短期反调峰特性的目的。以我国西南地区澜沧江下游2座梯级水电站与周边风电为实例进行研究,结果表明,与风电站联合调度后,梯级水电站的长期调度方式需要改变,尤其是汛前枯期的库水位决策与汛后蓄水决策。所提出模型为破解大规模风电并网问题提供新的技术途径。

关键词: 大规模风电并网, 梯级水电站, 反调峰特性, 日发电量, 长期优化调度

Abstract: With new energies developing rapidly, power grids need more regulation capacity under the condition of large-scale wind power grid integration; more cascade hydropower stations start joint operation with large-scale wind power, putting their flexible regulation capacity into use. This paper examines the influence of wind power’s reverse-peak shaving on the generation of such stations, and obtains the upper and lower bounds of their daily generation. Then, we construct a bridge between long-term and short-term dispatching by using these bounds and constraints, considering the short-term shaving characteristics in long-term optimal dispatching. The method is tested in a case study of the cascade hydropower stations in the downstream of Lancang River and the wind power nearby in southwest China. The results show these stations’ long-term dispatching modes need to be adjusted after joint operation with wind power, especially their water storage decisions for the periods before and after flood season, verifying our new approach for large-scale wind power grid integration.

Key words: large-scale wind power grid integration, cascade hydropower stations, reverse-peak shaving characteristics, daily power generation, long-term optimal dispatching

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