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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 37-46.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20201204

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  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2020-12-25

Study on compensation benefit calculations and distribution mechanism of cascade hydropower stations

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 针对梯级水电站群补偿关系难以量化、且尚未形成行之有效的补偿效益分配机制的问题,提出可得到流域梯级任一施益电站补偿效益的求解思路,并基于改进逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS法),将传统分配方法纳入综合评价,建立施益、受益电站间补偿效益分配机制。将其应用于乌江干流10级电站补偿效益求解和分配实例中,结果表明:通过本文提出的求解思路可以明确乌江干流5个施益电站与下游电站的补偿关系,计算过程简便,具备较强的理论基础;基于改进TOPSIS法确定的各评价指标权重符合预期,分配结果合理,可为各电站利益博弈提供理论依据,有利于促进梯级合作,实现流域水力发电效益最大化。

关键词: 梯级水电站群, 施益电站, 梯级联调, 效益补偿, 效益分配, 指标权重

Abstract: Aimed at difficulties in quantifying and distributing the compensation benefit of cascade hydropower stations, this paper presents a new solution to obtain compensation benefits of any hydropower station in the basin, and establishes a benefit distribution mechanism based on the improved technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS), using traditional distribution methods as indicators. This solution is applied to the calculations and distribution of compensation benefits for ten cascade hydropower stations on the Wujiang River mainstream. The results show our solution is featured with a solid theoretical basis and simple calculations and can clarify the compensation relationship among the five giving power stations and the downstream power stations. This improved TOPSIS method gives a weight of each evaluation index that meets our expectation, and its distribution calculations are reasonable, thereby providing a theoretical basis for the interest games among the hydropower stations and helping promote cascade cooperation and maximize the hydropower generation benefits of the basin.

Key words: cascade hydropower stations, benefit givers, cascade joint dispatching, benefit compensation, benefit distribution, index weight

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