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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (12): 1-15.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20201201

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  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2020-12-25

Dynamic management of hydropower construction resources based on positioning system

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2020-12-25

摘要: 大型工程建设资源投入如劳动力及施工设备的管理一直是工程管理的核心。现代信息通信技术为实现动态、精准的管理要求提供了强有力的技术保障。面对资源流动性大、交叉作业多、专业技术复杂的管理挑战,金沙江下游河段大型水电工程建设过程中建立了一套适用于不同作业场景定位精度和响应速度的综合定位技术体系并开发了人员与设备定位系统。本文基于这些定位系统实时采集的人员与设备的定位数据,采用相关数据技术,对建设行为进行综合分析和实时反馈,对资源投入、移动轨迹、作业状态等进行动态管理,实现大型水电工程建设资源的实时精细化管控。绩效结果表明,该系统提高了工程建设的安全与质量管理水平,成果可供同类工程建设管理参考。

关键词: 水电工程, 定位数据, 动态管理, 绩效分析

Abstract: Managing construction resources of large-scale projects such as labor and equipment has always been the core of engineering management, and its dynamic and precise requirements can be met through modern information and communication technologies that provide a strong technical guarantee. Facing the management challenges of high resource mobility, multiple cross-operations, and complex professional technique, we have developed a comprehensive technology system of construction positioning–including personnel positioning and device positioning–that is applicable to different operations demanding different positioning accuracies and response speeds, in combination with the construction of hydropower projects in the lower Jinsha River. Applying this system and related data technologies, we can collect the real-time data of personnel and device positioning, analyze comprehensively construction behaviors and real-time feedback, and manage dynamically resource investment, moving track, operating status, etc. Thus, a real-time refined management of construction resources is achieved for large-scale hydropower projects, improving the safety and quality management of engineering construction.

Key words: hydropower projects, positioning data, dynamic management, behavior analysis

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