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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (11): 40-48.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20201105

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  • 出版日期:2020-11-25 发布日期:2020-11-25

Architecture of construction management platform for hydraulic engineering based on block chain

  • Online:2020-11-25 Published:2020-11-25

摘要: 近年来,水利工程管理信息化程度逐步提高。然而,目前尚无法完全实现无纸化,除了网上填报数据外,还需要填写纸质表单进行审批签字和存档,这无疑增加了重复工作,也限制了信息化的进步和发展。此外,集中式的数据库管理方式也使得系统中的数据易于篡改,这使得信息化在工程质量管理方面的作用难以充分发挥。区块链采用分布式存储技术及链式数据结构,在数据防篡改、可追溯性等领域具有很大的潜力。本文基于区块链技术对水利工程的施工管理进行探索,给出施工管理平台的节点组成,定义了水利工程施工过程中不同的交易类型,给出了交易及区块的数据组成,设计了系统的区块链结构及整体架构。根据典型工程场景,给出了系统的应用案例,为区块链技术在水利工程中的应用提供思路。

关键词: 区块链, 施工管理, 架构, 电子签名, 交易

Abstract: In recent years, informatization has improved gradually in hydraulic engineering management, but it is still impossible to achieve paperless file management in a short time. Extra efforts has to be spent on the informatization system in construction sites, which somehow limits the progress and development of information technology. In addition, information in the centralized database is also easy to be tampered, limiting its use in engineering management. Block chain, featured with distributed storage and chain data structure, has shown a great potential in data tamper-proof and traceability. Based on block chain, this paper develops an improvement on the construction management system in hydraulic engineering, which involves specifying a node composition in the system, defining the categories of transactions for construction projects, presenting the data structures of transaction and block, and designing the architecture of the block chain and the system. Application scenarios for typical engineering projects are provided, demonstrating an innovation of block chain application in hydraulic engineering.

Key words: block chain, construction management, architecture, electronic signature, transaction

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