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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 99-110.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200910

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  • 出版日期:2020-09-25 发布日期:2020-09-22

Uncertainty analysis of gravity dam schedule based on modified evidence theory

  • Online:2020-09-25 Published:2020-09-22

摘要: 由于施工环境、技术操作存在随机性,以及对缆机运行参数、故障维修时间的认知存在不完备性,导致混凝土重力坝施工进度分析具有随机、认知不确定性的特征,然而现有研究缺乏对上述两种不确定性的综合考虑。证据理论具有综合解决随机、认知不确定性问题的优势,然而传统证据理论中用于求解单调性问题极值的顶点法无法适用于施工进度仿真这类非单调问题的工期极值分析,且不能考虑施工参数的相关性。针对上述问题,本文提出一种基于改进证据理论方法的混凝土重力坝施工进度不确定性分析方法。首先,采用遗传算法改进证据理论中的极值求解过程,实现施工进度仿真在参数焦元上的工期极值搜索;其次,引入Copula函数来计算施工参数之间的相关程度,并作为差分项来改进证据理论中参数焦元的联合概率分配计算方法;再者,将具有随机和认知不确定性的施工参数转化为证据变量,并运用改进的证据理论方法计算完工可靠性的置信度及似真度,实现施工进度不确定性的量化表达;最后,将该方法应用于某混凝土重力坝施工进度不确定性分析中,并与基于随机不确定性理论的分析结果进行对比,结果表明本文所提方法在不确定性分析方面具有一致性和优越性,为混凝土重力坝施工进度分析提供了新的方法和途径。

关键词: 混凝土重力坝, 随机及认知不确定性, 改进证据理论, 遗传算法, 参数相关性, 施工进度仿真

Abstract: Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties exist in the previous analyses of construction scheduling for a concrete gravity dam due to the randomness of its construction environment and technical operation and the incomplete cognition of its cable operating parameters and repair time. Previous studies lack a comprehensive consideration of these two types of uncertainties. The evidence theory has the advantage of solving aleatory and epistemic uncertainty problems comprehensively; but in its traditional applications, the vertex method, usually used for calculating the extreme values of monotonicity problems, is inapplicable to construction schedule simulations or other non-monotonic problems, or to consideration of the relevance of construction parameters. This paper presents a new uncertainty analysis method of construction scheduling for concrete gravity dams based on a modified evidence theory. First, it uses a genetic algorithm to modify the extreme value calculating procedure and whereby searches the extreme value on an evidence body. Second, it adopts the Copula function to quantify the correlation between construction parameters and modifies the joint-probability calculating method by using this correlation coefficient as a difference. Then, it transforms the construction parameters with heterogeneous uncertainties into evidence variables, and calculates the belief and plausibility degree to quantify the uncertainty of construction schedule. Finally, this method is applied to an analysis of construction scheduling for a concrete gravity dam, and its consistency and superiority in uncertainty analysis is verified by comparing with the aleatory uncertainty theory.

Key words: concrete gravity dam, aleatory and epistemic uncertainty, modified evidence theory, genetic algorithm, correlation between construction parameters, construction schedule simulation

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