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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 22-33.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200303

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  • 出版日期:2020-03-25 发布日期:2020-03-25

Study on operation of flood control system for middle and lower Ganjiang River

  • Online:2020-03-25 Published:2020-03-25

摘要: 针对由水库群、航电枢纽、分蓄洪区等组成的赣江中下游复杂防洪系统,以防洪控制断面洪峰削减率最大为目标,建立了赣江中下游防洪系统联合防洪调度模型。以“1961”典型洪水及50年一遇、100年一遇和500年一遇设计洪水为研究实例,采用离散邻域的动态规划—逐步优化算法(DP-POA)进行防洪优化调度,并与常规防洪调度结果进行对比。结果表明:梯级水库和分蓄洪区对于赣江中下游削峰起主要作用,而航电枢纽的削峰作用较为有限;对于“1961”典型洪水,航电枢纽的运行可以在一定程度上降低峡江水库调度期内最高水位,有利于水库防洪安全;采用离散邻域的DP-POA算法的防洪优化调度可以较为显著地削减防洪控制断面洪峰流量,保障下游防洪安全。

关键词: 防洪减灾, 水库群联合防洪调度, 动态规划—逐步优化算法, 航电枢纽, 分蓄洪区, 赣江中下游

Abstract: This paper develops a flood control operation model for the middle and lower Ganjiang River that has a complicated flood control system comprising reservoirs, navigation-power junctions, and flood diversion and storage areas, with an objective to maximize the reduction rate of flood peaks at flood control cross sections. This model optimizes the system’s flood control operation using a dynamic programming-progressive optimization algorithm based on a discrete neighborhood, and its results are compared with those of conventional flood control operation, through a case study of the 1961 typical floods and the design floods of 50-, 100- and 500-year return periods. The results show that the optimized operation significantly reduces the flood peaks at the flood control sections to ensure the safety of downstream areas. And the cascade reservoirs and flood diversion area play an important role in the flood-control system of the Ganjiang basin, and the effect of navigation-power junctions is very limited. For the 1961 typical floods, operation of the navigation-power junctions can reduce the peak stage of the Xiajiang reservoir to a certain degree, helping enhance the reservoir safety of flood control.

Key words: flood control and disaster mitigation, joint flood control operation of reservoirs, dynamic programming-progressive optimization algorithm, navigation-power junctions, flood diversion and storage area, middle and lower Ganjiang River

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