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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 16-24.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200202

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  • 出版日期:2020-02-25 发布日期:2020-02-25

Analysis on flow intake-outlet design of pumped storage power station using TRIZ innovation method

  • Online:2020-02-25 Published:2020-02-25

摘要: 创新设计需要创新理论和方法为指导,TRIZ创新理论是可以借鉴的较为成熟的创新理论。以抽水蓄能电站进/出水口设计为例,分析设计对象的特征及其设计原则,以可行性研究报告和初步设计两个阶段的设计任务为内容,引入TRIZ原理,分别建立其系统分析模型。通过分析模型的结构组成特征、结构之间连接关系、结构受力作用、水流与结构之间作用关系和水流被结构约束控制关系等内容,采用TRIZ原理的功能分析、因果分析、组件裁剪、资源分析和尺寸-时间-成本创新思维方法等工具,解决工程设计过程中矛盾和问题,获得相应的设计方案。结合行业要求,分析设计方案,应用于实际工程,优化进/出水口结构。进而揭示抽水蓄能电站进/出水口设计要点,剖析工程设计过程,从而证明了TRIZ创新系统对工程设计环节的有效性和指导性。

关键词: TRIZ, 创新方法, 抽水蓄能电站, 进/出水口, 系统分析, 功能分析

Abstract: Innovative theories and methods are required as guides to implement a new design. The theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) is a mature one widely used as a reference in design process. This paper examines the characteristics of design objects and their design principles through a case study of the flow intake-outlet of a pumped storage power station. Aimed at the design tasks specified in the feasibility study and preliminary design of this system, a TRIZ innovation method is adopted to construct an analysis model for it. We analyze the characteristics of the structures to be modeled, their interconnection, the forces on them, their interaction and constraints on the flows. Then we solve the conflicts encountered in the design process using function analysis, cause-effect chain analysis, trimming, resources analysis, and size-time-cost innovative thinking methods based on the TRIZ theory. After the design of the optimized intake-outlet structures is obtained, it is further analyzed by the industry requirements and applied to the real project. The key contents are revealed in the design process of the intake-outlet, showing the TRIZ innovation system effective and useful to engineering designs.

Key words: theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ), innovative approach, pumped storage power station, intake-outlet, system analysis, functional analysis

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