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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 72-79.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200108

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  • 出版日期:2020-01-25 发布日期:2020-01-25

Evaluation of abrasion resistance of concrete based on volume loss rate

  • Online:2020-01-25 Published:2020-01-25

摘要: 采用风砂枪法并配合图像分析技术,揭示了两组不同混凝土质量损失速率、体积损失速率、被磨损物料的密度、固定纵断面上冲坑轮廓随时间的变化规律,结合各特征时间节点处混凝土的表观形貌,确定了混凝土冲磨破坏稳定阶段的判据,并结合混凝土抗冲磨强度计算结果优选出了可靠的抗冲磨强度评价指标。结果表明:质量损失速率和体积损失速率在某个时间点处同时趋于稳定,此时,被磨损物料的密度与混凝土的表观密度保持一致,且无论从混凝土表面形态还是冲坑轮廓来看,混凝土均表现出稳定且均匀的磨损,由此可以判断该阶段为混凝土冲磨破坏稳定阶段。研究证明,趋于稳定的体积损失速率才是混凝土抗冲磨强度可靠的评价指标。

关键词: 混凝土, 抗冲磨性能, 稳定阶段, 判据, 体积损失速率

Abstract: Using sandblasting test and image analysis technology, this study examines time variations in weight loss rate, volume loss rate, density of abraded materials, and scour hole contour of two different concrete specimens. We obtain a steady state criterion of concrete abrasion erosion by combining the apparent morphology of concrete at feature time points, and optimize the reliable assessment index of concrete abrasion resistance based on abrasion calculations. Results indicate the weight loss rate and volume loss rate tend to be stable at a certain point of time. And afterward, the density of abraded material is consistent with the bulk density of concrete, and the scour hole contour and apparent morphology show a steady and uniform abrasion erosion of concrete, thereby providing a criterion for determining the steady state of abrasion. This study demonstrates the volume loss rate that tends to be stable is a reliable assessment index of concrete abrasion resistance.

Key words: concrete, abrasion resistance, steady state, criterion, volume loss rate

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