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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 11-18.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191202

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  • 出版日期:2019-12-25 发布日期:2019-12-25

Application of unmanned intelligent technologies in underwater topographic survey of stilling basins

  • Online:2019-12-25 Published:2019-12-25

摘要: GPS-RTK与测深仪的组合测量手段是现代水下地形测量的重要技术手段,本文采用该测量技术与无人船技术融合,构建了适用于消力池的水下地形测绘无人测量系统,并应用于亭子口水利工程的表孔消力池水下地形测量实践。文中系统地阐述了消力池水下地形无人测量系统的工作原理、标准化作业流程以及水下地形三维构建方法,结合测绘数据和三维模型,对消力池测区的溢流坝段、护坦、尾坎、防冲段、河道衔接段的高程变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:汛后亭子口表孔消力池结构完整,边界清晰,水质良好,从溢流坝段至尾坎处的护坦表面淤积程度均较小,池区尚未发现明显的堆积体或结构异常,受基岩和围堰卵砾石堆积体影响,防冲段与下游衔接段高程增加显著。无人测量技术的使用,提高了消力池水下地形与淤积分布的获取精度与时效性,具备显著的应用研究价值和推广意义。

关键词: 无人船, GPS-RTK, 声波测深, 消力池, 水下地形

Abstract: The combined method of Global Positioning System-Real Time Kinematic (GPS-RTK) and a depth sounder is an important technology in modern underwater topographic measurement. This study integrates this method with unmanned boat technology to construct an unmanned measurement system suitable for underwater topographic survey of stilling basins. The system was applied to the practical measurement of the Tingzikou stilling basin. This paper focuses on a systematical discussion on its working principle, standardized operation flow, and three-dimensional construction method. Combining with the survey data and a three-dimensional model, we analyze elevation parameters for the selected sections: spillway dam, apron, tail sill, end section, and after-end river channel. The results show that the structure of this stilling basin is complete and sediment deposition over the section from the dam to tail sill is not obvious. And in the basin, no noticeable accumulation or structural anomaly is detected, but the elevation of end section and after-end river channel is increased significantly due to accumulation of bedrocks and cofferdam gravels. Application of unmanned measurement technology improves the acquisition accuracy and timeliness of underwater topographic survey.

Key words: unmanned boat, GPS-RTK, sonic sounding, stilling basin, underwater topographical survey

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