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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (12): 1-10.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191201

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  • 出版日期:2019-12-25 发布日期:2019-12-25

Spatiotemporal variations in side bars related to runoff in two typical braided reaches in the Yangtze River source region

  • Online:2019-12-25 Published:2019-12-25

摘要: 长江源宽谷辫状河道宽达1 ~ 3 km,河道两侧广泛分布边滩,其边滩形态受径流量变化的影响较大。结合Landsat遥感影像与水文数据,对长江源辫状河道内的边滩形态进行对比分析,发现边滩可分为稳定边滩、亚稳定边滩和活动边滩。定义边滩变化百分比为活动边滩短时间内的冲淤程度,活动边滩在枯水期发生冲刷的边滩变化最大百分比为80%,发生淤积的边滩变化最大百分比为300%。影响活动边滩变化的因子包括径流量及高水位水流持续时间。边滩面积的骤减是由于洪水期漫滩水流在边滩上冲刷并形成新汊道,水流沿新汊道的冲刷与切割作用促使原边滩分离成新边滩和新沙洲;枯水期汊道水位下降并且发生淤积,沙洲与边滩合并使边滩面积骤增,导致边滩变化百分比剧烈增加。

关键词: 长江源, 辫状河道, 边滩, 汊道, 径流量, 遥感影像

Abstract: The flat valleys of braided channels in the Yangtze River source region are about 1 - 3 km wide and feature with well developed side bars attaching to two banks, and their morphologic variations are strongly affected by the runoff. This paper uses Landsat imagery and hydrological data to analyze and compare these variations, and demonstrate three types of stable, sub-stable, and active side bars. We define a percentage change in the morphology of active side bars to describe their quantitative variations and reveal its two peak values ? 80% due to erosion and up to 300% due to deposition. Our analysis shows that the main factors affecting side bar morphology are river discharge and high water duration. In large discharge periods, overbank flow erosion cuts a side bar through and causes a sudden decrease in its elevation, thereby dividing the bar into new central bars and new side bars; in low discharge, as water level drops and deposition occurs, central bars and side bars are merging together, leading to an instant increase in side bar area and a drastic percentage change of active side bars.

Key words: Yangtze River source, braided channel, side bar, river branches, runoff, remote sensing image

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