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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 111-120.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191010

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  • 出版日期:2019-10-25 发布日期:2019-10-25

Study on sediment diffusion in no-storage-pit dredging operation

  • Online:2019-10-25 Published:2019-10-25

摘要: 港口建设和围海造地等大型近岸工程中,储沙坑在疏浚吹填施工过程中起到了临时堆放和掩护吹填沙的作用。然而,现场工况及施工期等条件会限制储沙坑的设置。目前,对于无储沙坑条件下的泥沙流失过程和机理以及流失量的估算,尚未有相关的研究和经验。本文以古雷增填沙工程为例,采用施工过程现场观测和典型工况数值模拟相结合的方法研究了无储沙坑吹填施工中的储沙流失问题。根据结果显示,无储沙坑条件下抛沙施工中泥沙的流失主要发生在堆沙阶段,数值模拟和现场观测结果所得到的流失率均在14% ~ 16%之间。本文结果可为今后应用数学模型和现场观测手段在其他形式的无储沙坑吹填施工中的抛沙流失问题提供科学的借鉴意义。

关键词: 疏浚吹填, 泥沙扩散, 浅水海域, 模拟分析, 无储沙坑抛沙

Abstract: Sand storage pits play a temporary role in dredging and reclamation process for large offshore projects such as port and land reclamation, but their setting is limited by site conditions and construction period. At present, little previous research or practical experience is available on the process and mechanism of sediment loss during no-storage-pit operation, and its estimation method is lacking. This paper reports a study on the loss of sediment storage in dredger fill with no sand storage pit during the construction of the Gulei sand fill project by combining site observations of its construction process with numerical simulation of its typical working conditions. Results show that under the condition of no storage pit, sediment loss mainly occurs in the stage of sand accumulation, and that the loss rates obtained by numerical simulations and field observations are in a range of 14%-16%. This study would lay a basis for further studies on mathematical modeling and field observation of dredger fill with no sand storage pit.

Key words: dredging work, sediment diffusion, shallow water area, simulation analysis, sediment fill without storage

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