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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 86-100.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20191008

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  • 出版日期:2019-10-25 发布日期:2019-10-25

Study on distribution of pollutant concentrations in intersection of open channel

  • Online:2019-10-25 Published:2019-10-25

摘要: 明槽交汇水流存在于很多水力系统中,交汇区水流结构十分复杂,对干、支流交汇浓度场的研究具有重要意义。本文采用能突破空间单点流速测量局限的PIV技术,观测在不同交汇角及污染物浓度等条件下非对称型交汇明槽的污染物扩散情况,分析污染物浓度场的分布规律。试验结果表明,支槽来水刚汇入主槽水体时,交汇区的表层污染物的扩散较其他水平面更为均匀,但随着两种水体不断混合,其他水平面的污染物比表层污染物混合得更加均匀。交汇角越小,使得支流中污染物进入主流后在交汇口下游支流侧形成较长的污染带;相反交汇角越大,形成的污染带在横向偏移上越突出;污染物浓度越大也会使得污染带变长。污染物浓度的变化对混合层的位置及宽度影响较大。PIV技术能良好地观测交汇区污染物扩散规律,可应用于明槽交汇区的浓度场试验研究。

关键词: PIV, 交汇区, 污染物, 浓度场, 明槽, 输移扩散

Abstract: The confluence of water flows occurs in a great number of hydraulic systems, and its flow structure is often complicated but crucial to understanding the systems. To examine the flow behaviors of the confluence of an open channel and a tributary, this study uses the PIV technology to measure pollutant concentration distribution so as to overcome the limit of single point measurement, focusing on pollutant diffusion and concentration field in an asymmetrical intersection with different confluence angles. Results show that near the tributary outlet, surface pollutants are more uniform than those in deeper layers, and along with the further development of mixing between the two streams, pollutants in the deep layers become more uniform than those in the surface layer. At small confluence angles, a long and narrow contaminated zone is formed at the tributary side of the main channel, while large angles will shift this zone laterally further toward the other side. Higher pollutant concentration leads to a longer contaminated zone, and a change in pollutant concentration will greatly impact the location and width of the mixing layer. This study demonstrates that the PIV technology is satisfactory in measuring pollutant diffusion in channel intersection areas and thus is applicable to detailed studies of the pollutant concentration field.

Key words: PIV, intersection, pollutants, concentration field, open channel, transport and diffusion

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