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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9): 102-110.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190911

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  • 出版日期:2019-09-25 发布日期:2019-09-25

Influence of pipe connection between tailrace tunnels on two-stage load rejection in pumped storage power plants

  • Online:2019-09-25 Published:2019-09-25

摘要: 抽水蓄能电站多采用一洞多机的输水系统布置型式,运行过程中会出现相继甩负荷工况,导致尾水管内产生负压,可能出现液柱分离及弥合水锤现象。本文建立了含尾水连接管的抽水蓄能电站过渡过程数学模型,结合厦门抽水蓄能电站,分析了设置尾水连接管对抽水蓄能电站相继甩负荷工况尾水管进口最小压力的改善作用机理,并研究了不同连接管管径对过渡过程控制参数的影响。结果表明:尾水连接管的设置可有效增大相继甩负荷工况下后甩机组尾水管进口最小压力,同时增大尾水连接管管径可以增大尾水连接管内水流对于两端压力差的敏感性,对两侧尾水管的压力平衡作用越明显,对后甩机组尾水管进口最小压力的改善作用更加显著。

关键词: 尾水连接管, 抽水蓄能电站, 过渡过程, 相继甩负荷, 水泵水轮机“S”特性

Abstract: Pumped storage power plants usually adopt a layout of multi units sharing a common pipe system. During operation, two-stage load rejection often leads to an extremely low pressure in the draft tube and even liquid column separation. This study develops a mathematic model of hydraulic transients in such plants with a pipe connection between tailrace tunnels, and simulates the load rejection conditions using the parameters of the Xiamen pumped storage power station. We examine the mechanism of mitigating the draft tube’s low pressure by installing a connection pipe, and analyze its effect on the transients for the cases of different pipe diameters. The results show that the pipe connection between tailrace tunnels effectively improves the draft tube’s low pressure during two-stage load rejection and increasing the diameter of the pipe makes the flow in it more sensitive to the pressure difference. Thus, its effect on pressure balance between two tailrace tunnels is more evident, and the low pressure in the draft tube is significantly improved.

Key words: tailrace connection pipe, pumped storage power plants, hydraulic transients, two-stage load rejection, S-shaped characteristics of pump-turbine

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