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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (8): 61-74.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190806

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  • 出版日期:2019-08-25 发布日期:2019-08-25

River pattern discriminace based on river energy consumption against flow resistance

  • Online:2019-08-25 Published:2019-08-25

摘要: 河流在行进过程中,其阻力能耗受到多种因素影响,包括水流条件、泥沙条件及河流形态特征等。河流宏观形态可以反映河流的阻力特性,河道通过调整其型态以适应不同的水沙边界条件。本文基于河流阻力能耗与河流形态的辩证关系,引入河流形态参数,从而建立了一种简单的河型判别方法。通过对实际多条砂质和砾石质河流的参数化统计分析,同时考虑河岸植被因素对河相关系参数影响的修正,拟合得到代表河流形态参数的表达式,进而得到判别不同河型的标准曲线。通过论证分析及经典的实际河流资料验证,结果表明该经验方法计算简单,对于河流类型的判别应用效果较好。

关键词: 阻力能耗, 河流类型, 河流形态参数, 河岸植被

Abstract: River flow is governed by resistance laws and its energy consumption against flow resistance is affected by various factors including flow and sediment conditions and riverbed morphology. The macro morphology of a river is a consequence of flow resistance, and its channel adapts to different boundary conditions of flow and sediment through adjusting morphology. Based on a dialectical relationship between energy consumption by resistance and river morphology, this paper introduces a river morphological parameter for simple discriminance of river patterns. We conduct statistical analysis on this new parameter using the data of several natural rivers of sandy and gravel beds and make correction for the influence of riparian vegetation factors on river patterns. And then we derive its empirical expression through data fitting and obtain the standard curves of different river patterns. Verification against the classical measurements reported previously and analysis of natural river data show that our method is simple to calculate and effective in classifying river patterns.

Key words: energy consumption by resistance, river pattern, river morphology parameter, riparian vegetation

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