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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (7): 46-56.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190705

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  • 出版日期:2019-07-25 发布日期:2019-07-25

Inter-plant and in-plant load allocation model for cascade hydropower stations under power market

  • Online:2019-07-25 Published:2019-07-25

摘要: 市场环境下梯级负荷分配包括厂间负荷分配和厂内机组两个层次,厂间负荷分配目标为梯级效益最大化,厂内负荷分配目标为在安全前提下满足耗水量最小化。本文建立两个层次分配模型:厂间采用发电收益最大目标,使用逐步优化算法解决;厂内机组负荷分配采用耗水量最小目标,使用双动态规划解决,先采用动态规划解决逐时段内安全约束下最优分配,在此基础上时段间采用动态规划解决机组启停优化。两层次间以时段综合出力系数为协调变量的策略进行协调优化,将厂间负荷分配作为第一阶段,将厂内负荷分配作为第二阶段,两阶段迭代求解,得到最优分配结果。实例表明算法高效、快速完成了厂间–厂内负荷分配的统一调度,提高市场环境下梯级电站的竞争能力。

关键词: 优化调度, 梯级电站, 厂间–厂内负荷分配, 双动态规划, 两阶段迭代

Abstract: In the market environment, cascade load is allocated at both the inter-plant level and the in-plant level of different generating units. Its targets are to maximize cascade benefit at the inter-plant level and minimize water consumption under security constraints at the in-plant level. This paper develops and integrates two hierarchical allocation models for the two levels. The inter-plant allocation is aimed at maximum power output profit, which is solved using a progressive optimal algorithm. The model of load allocation over the in-plant units is solved by a two-step dynamic programming to achieve the objective of minimum water consumption. It uses dynamic programming to solve the optimal allocation under security constraints in successive periods, and then in the second step to optimize the procedure to start up and shut down the units. Calculations at the two levels are coordinated and optimized through a comprehensive output coefficient as the coordination variable, and solved iteratively at the first and second stages, respectively, producing optimal results of the inter-plant and in-plant allocations. A case study shows that the algorithm is efficient and fast in achieving a unified dispatching between the load allocations, thus improving the competitiveness of cascade hydropower stations in the market.

Key words: optimal scheduling, cascade hydropower stations, inter-plant and in-plant load allocation, dual dynamic programming, two stage iteration

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