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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 92-100.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190610

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  • 出版日期:2019-06-25 发布日期:2019-06-25

Static stability of pump-turbine units in turbine mode

  • Online:2019-06-25 Published:2019-06-25

摘要: S区是水泵水轮机与常规水轮机转轮主要的差异,是导致水泵水轮机稳定性问题的主要因素之一。本文从单位流量Q11、单位力矩T11和单位转速n11基本定义出发,分别导出了全特性曲线上单位流量Q11与单位力矩T11对单位转速n11的导数,根据单位流量Q11与单位力矩T11的微分特征,结合定导叶开度情况下水轮机工况流量Q-工作水头H和反水泵工况流量Q-工作扬程H特性曲线,分别获得了水轮机工况和反水泵工况机组稳定运行需满足的条件。采用静态稳定理论获得了水泵水轮机在水轮机工况和反水泵工况稳定运行时工作水头/扬程扰动量所满足的关系,在此基础上给出了水轮机稳定运行需满足的条件并定义了S区。研究结果为建立水泵水轮机在水轮机工况的稳定运行区提供了技术支撑。

关键词: 水泵水轮机, S形区域, 静态稳定, 工作水头扰动, 全特性曲线

Abstract: The S-shape region of pump-turbine units, as the major difference from common turbines, is one of the key factors that cause the instability of unit operation. Previous studies derive the derivatives of unit discharge Q11 and unit torque T11 to unit speed n11 separately. This paper derives stability requirements for pump-turbine units running in turbine mode and reverse pump mode, considering the features of these two derivatives and combining them with the relationship of flow rate Q versus working head H in the two modes for a given guide vane opening. We use the static stability theory to build a relationship of Q versus H that must be satisfied by the working head disturbance factor for stable running in the two modes, and then define a stable turbine-mode working point and a S-shape region.

Key words: pump-turbine unit, S-shape region, static stability, working head disturbance factor, full characteristic

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