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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 1-10.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190601

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  • 出版日期:2019-06-25 发布日期:2019-06-25

Analysis on applicability and influence factors of real-time monitoring compaction indexes for rockfill dam materials

  • Online:2019-06-25 Published:2019-06-25

摘要: 实时压实监测技术已成为堆石坝碾压质量控制的有效手段。但是面板堆石坝坝料种类多、不同坝料组分区别明显、施工工艺差异大,故而不同施工工艺对压实监测指标的影响,以及监测指标在不同坝料分区的适用性有待进一步研究。结合现场碾压试验,分析了碾压机行进方向、振动模式及坝料类型对压实监测指标的影响,发现碾压振动频率是其主要影响因素;同时发现包含更多碾轮加速度谐波分量的CCV指标对于不同面板堆石坝料有更好的适应性。基于上述分析,提出了耦合考虑频率的CCV指标来表征面板堆石坝不同坝料的压实质量。本文研究可为有多种坝料的面板堆石坝压实质量实时控制提供合适的监测指标。

关键词: 面板堆石坝, 压实质量, 实时监测指标, 适用性分析

Abstract: Real-time compaction monitoring has become a technology for effective control on the compaction quality of rockfill dams. However, various types of materials are used in construction of concrete face rockfill dams (CFRD) and they are significantly different in composition and construction technology. Therefore, comprehensive studies are needed of the impact of different construction technologies on compaction monitoring indicators and their applicability to different dam zones. Combining with field rolling tests, we analyzes the influence of rolling direction, roller vibration mode and dam material type on compaction indexes. The result shows that the rolling vibration frequency is the major factor, and that compaction control value (CCV), an index that describes the effect of more harmonic components of roller acceleration, is better adaptable to different CFRD materials. Based on the above analysis, we recommend the method of CCV coupled with its frequency for evaluation and real-time control of the compaction quality of different CFRD materials.

Key words: concrete face rockfill dam, compaction quality, real-time monitoring index, applicability analysis

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