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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 46-56.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190506

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  • 出版日期:2019-05-25 发布日期:2019-05-25

Numerical prediction of flood discharge atomization induced by complicated aerial collisions

  • Online:2019-05-25 Published:2019-05-25

摘要: 为预测高坝泄流空中碰撞水舌的雾化特征,根据泄流水舌平面局部碰撞和立面多重碰撞模式,提出了联合雾化源场和雾化雨场特征的雾化预测调控方法,并依托旭龙水电站开展实例应用。计算表明:挑坎体型的改变会引起雾化源和雾化雨场的重分布;优选体型Ⅱ在耦合不利风场作用的五千年一遇和百年一遇泄洪工况下,前工况较后工况的暴雨区范围均增大,纵向边界向下游延长50 m,桩号边界值为0+895 m,左右岸最大高程分别增加9 m和13 m,分别超过最大坝顶高程69 m和55 m;优选体型Ⅱ在耦合不利风雨场作用下的暴雨区基础防护纵向范围为0+(-3 m) ~ 0+862 m,左右岸控制高程分别为2382 m和2370 m,校核防护的纵向范围为0+(-9 m) ~ 0+938 m,左右岸控制高程分别为2391 m和2371 m。研究结果可为相关雾化工程的影响评价和防护决策提供参考。

关键词: 泄水建筑物水力学, 泄流雾化, 空中雾化源, 水垫塘雾化源, 喷溅雾化雨, 挑坎设计, 预测调控

Abstract: To predict the characteristics of atomized jet nappes in high dam flood discharge caused by complicated aerial nappe collisions, this paper presents a numerical method for plane-facade nappe collision modes, considering the features of atomized sources and atomized rainfall fields, together with its engineering application at the Xulong hydropower station. The calculations show that the distributions of atomized sources and atomized rainfalls depend on the shape of flip buckets. For optimized bucket scheme II under the adverse wind condition, the area of atomized heavy rain is larger under the flood of 5000-year period than that of 100-year period. In the former case, the downstream boundary of the protection area is shifted downstream by 50 m up to pile number 0+895 m, and the highest protection elevation is raised by 9 m and 13 m on the left and right banks respectively, exceeding the dam crest by 69 m and 55 m respectively. Under the adverse wind and rain, the design flood protection standard requires a longitudinal range of 0+(-3 m) to 0+862 m with the bank protection elevations of 2382 m on the left and 2391 m on the right, and the check flood protection requires a longitudinal range of 0+(-9 m) to 0+938 m with the bank protection elevations of 2370 m on the left and 2371 m on the right.

Key words: water release structure hydraulics, flood discharge atomization, aerial atomized sources, atomized sources of plunge pool, splashing atomized rainfall, jet buckets design, prediction and control

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