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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 224-233.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190421

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  • 出版日期:2019-04-25 发布日期:2019-04-25

Reliability analysis of anti-sliding stability of a gravity dam foundation based on PLS-ELM dynamic response surface method

  • Online:2019-04-25 Published:2019-04-25

摘要: 复杂重力坝坝基抗滑稳定可靠度问题中,研究变量个数多,隐式功能函数非线性程度高,使用传统响应面法求解时拟合精度不高、收敛困难、结构计算量大。针对该问题,提出了重力坝坝基抗滑稳定可靠指标估计的偏最小二乘-极限学习机(PLS-ELM)动态响应面法。采用适用于处理高维度、小样本、非线性回归问题的极限学习机模型(ELM)构建隐式功能函数的响应面,并采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)优化极限学习机模型的隐含层神经元个数和输入权值,将极限学习机响应面和蒙特卡洛模拟法相结合,并构造合理的迭代方式,实现极限学习机响应面动态更新和可靠指标求解。在此基础上对某重力坝挡水坝段进行坝基抗滑稳定可靠度分析,结果表明:该方法结构计算量少,响应面拟合精度和效率高,算法容易收敛且适用性广,易于与多种结构计算方法和软件结合,适用于实际工程的坝基抗滑稳定可靠度分析;工程实例中坝基抗滑稳定可靠指标为5.10,满足规范要求;软弱夹层的材料参数对重力坝抗滑稳定可靠度影响最大。

关键词: 水工结构, 坝基抗滑稳定, 可靠度, 极限学习机, 偏最小二乘法, 动态响应面

Abstract: Reliability analysis of the anti-sliding stability of complex foundations of gravity dams is faced with a large number of random variables and a strong nonlinearity in implicit performance functions, causing a convergence difficulty with the traditional response surface method and its low accuracy and high computational cost. To solve the problems, we develop a dynamic response surface method of partial least squares coupled with extreme learning machine (PLS-ELM) to estimate the reliability index of foundation anti-sliding stability. A response surface of implicit performance functions is constructed using ELM that is suitable for solving nonlinear regression problems of high-dimensional small samples. This surface is combined with the Monte Carlo simulation method through optimizing the number and input weights of hidden layer neurons with the PLS technique, and its dynamic update and the solution of reliability index are realized by constructing a reasonable iterative algorithm. Using this new dynamic method, we calculate the reliability index of foundation anti-sliding stability for a real dam. The results show its advantages of low computational cost, high accuracy and efficiency in response surface fitting, easy convergence, wide applicability, and easy integration with various methods or software for structural calculation. Thus, the method is suitable for the reliability analysis in the design of real projects. A case study demonstrates that a reliability index of 5.10 meets the standard requirements and the material parameters of soft interlayers have the greatest influence on the reliability of dam foundation anti-slide stability.

Key words: hydraulic structure, foundation anti-sliding stability, reliability, extreme learning machine, partial least squares, dynamic response surface

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