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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 213-223.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190420

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  • 出版日期:2019-04-25 发布日期:2019-04-25

Study and application of superficial thermal insulation of Xiluodu super high arch dam concrete

  • Online:2019-04-25 Published:2019-04-25

摘要: 大坝混凝土裂缝多为表面裂缝,深层裂缝和贯穿裂缝也多由此发展而成,加强表面保温是有效防止混凝土表面裂缝的重要措施。溪洛渡特高拱坝建设过程中,通过技术标准确定、仿真模拟研究、施工方案优化、标准工艺建设等系统性保温技术研究,提出了适应特高拱坝表面防裂需要的大坝混凝土个性化、精细化全坝保温工艺要求,经现场全方位实时监测和质量检查,溪洛渡拱坝混凝土保温实施效果明显,有效控制了大坝混凝土表面开裂的风险。

关键词: 水电工程, 特高拱坝, 表面保温, 保温材料, 仿真模拟

Abstract: Deep cracks and penetrated cracks may develop from surface cracks, which are forming a major type of cracking in dam concrete, and therefore thermal insulation is a key measure to prevent concrete cracking. In construction of the Xiluodu super high arch dam, a systemic study on the schemes of surface insulation was conducted, including determination of technical standards, simulation analysis, optimization of construction schemes, and standard process studies. Based on this work, this paper describes a specific, fine insulation process of dam concrete that can meet the cracking control needs of super high arch dams. Comprehensive real-time site monitoring and site quality inspection on this arch dam shows that our insulation process achieves significant insulation effects and it can control the risk of cracking on the concrete surface effectively.

Key words: hydropower engineering, super high arch dam, thermal insulation, thermal insulation material, numerical simulation

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