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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 53-62.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190406

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  • 出版日期:2019-04-25 发布日期:2019-04-22

Variations and correlations of pollutants in water and sediment in sponge campus

  • Online:2019-04-25 Published:2019-04-22

摘要: 天津大学北洋园校区是海绵校园建设示范校园。本文以天津大学北洋园校区人工水系为研究对象,通过监测人工水系水体和底泥中各污染指标浓度的变化,研究水体和底泥中污染物的变化规律;同时,通过分析水体和底泥中不同污染指标的相关系数与多元回归决定系数,分析水体和底泥中污染物的相关性和底泥对水体水环境变化的贡献。结果表明:海绵校园人工水系水体污染物浓度与污染源分布和水体流动性有关,且夏季较好,春季较差,主要污染物为氮(其中,总氮Ⅳ类-劣Ⅴ类、氨氮为Ⅲ类-Ⅴ类)、化学需氧量(Ⅳ类-劣Ⅴ类)。同时,底泥中各污染物浓度在四个季节中无显著变化,主要污染物为氮(其中,总氮0.1 ~ 17.1 mg/kg、氨氮0.6 ~ 4.7 mg/kg)和化学需氧量(26.9 ~ 190.4 mg/kg)。另外,各污染物在水体和底泥中的浓度与全水环境浓度(水体浓度+底泥浓度)之间的多元回归决定系数存在前两者之和大于或小于全水环境的情况,说明水体与底泥对不同污染物的影响存在协同性或重合性,即海绵校园人工水系水体和底泥中各污染物存在相关性。

关键词: 海绵校园, 人工水系, 水质变化, 底泥, 相关关系

Abstract: The Peiyang Park campus of Tianjin University is a pilot project of sponge campus construction. This paper focuses on the pollutants variation of the water and sediments in a artificial water system in the Peiyang Park campus, and the pollutants correlation between water and sediments are also analyzed by examining the correlation coefficients and multiple regression determination coefficients of the monitoring data. The results show that the water pollutants concentration are mainly determined by pollution sources and water mobility, with a low level observed in summer and a high level in winter. Most of the monitored water contaminants are nitrogen (total nitrogen from grade IV to worse than grade V and ammonia nitrogen from grade III to V) and chemical oxygen demand (COD from grade IV to worse than grade V). The sediment contaminants have no significant seasonal concentration fluctuation observed in this study, and their major components are nitrogen (total nitrogen content of 0.1-17.1 mg/kg and ammonia nitrogen content of 0.6-4.7 mg/kg) and chemical oxygen demand (COD content of 26.9-190.4 mg/kg). In addition, the sum of the determination coefficients of contaminant concentration in water and sediment is larger or smaller than the coefficient of the whole water system (i.e. contaminant concentration of water plus contaminant concentration of sediment). This indicates that the contaminants in the man-made water system are affected by the water and sediment together and significant correlations exist between the water contaminants and sediment contaminants.

Key words: sponge campus, man-made water system, water quality, sediment, correlation

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