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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 11-20.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190402

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  • 出版日期:2019-04-25 发布日期:2019-04-25

Critical hydraulic conditions of jet-rotary joint cascade inner energy dissipator

  • Online:2019-04-25 Published:2019-04-25

摘要: 为了获得射流–旋流内消能工这种新型梯级消能工稳定运行的临界水力条件,采用模型试验研究和理论分析相结合的方法,对射流–旋流梯级内消能工的压强特性进行研究。结果表明,当竖井内射流尾水洞洞顶的水深大于20%的尾水洞洞径时,可在消能工内形成稳定淹没射流与稳定水平旋转流的双稳运行流态。在淹没射流段和水平旋流段,壁面压强沿程呈现出分级分段变化特征,最大相对压强水头差分别为0.75和0.72。淹没射流孔口顶托压强随竖井水深增大而线性增大。起旋器孔口顶托压强与起旋器孔口水流弗劳德数,阻塞孔口水流弗劳德数,竖井水位与下游水位差有关,并随三者的增大均呈线性减小的趋势。以射流孔口水流弗劳德数和起旋器孔口顶托压强作为上下游水力条件,给出了梯级内消能工在双稳运行流态时需满足的临界水力条件。成果可为射流–旋流梯级内消能工的体型设计、优化与工程应用提供理论依据。

关键词: 梯级内消能工, 模型试验, 临界水力条件, 顶托压强, 壁面压强

Abstract: Scale model tests and theoretical analysis are used in this study to examine the pressure characteristics and critical hydraulic conditions of a new jet-rotary joint cascade inner energy disspator that combines a submerged jet with a horizontal rotary flow. The results show that when the submergence above the crown of the jet nozzle exit is no less than 20% of its diameter, a bi-stable flow regime is formed ? a stable submerged jet and a stable horizontal rotary flow. In this case, the wall pressure features with obviously staged variations along the tunnel in the jet section and horizontal rotary flow section, with the maximum relative pressure drops of 0.75 and 0.72 across the two sections respectively. Pressure at the jet exit is increased linearly with the increasing water depth in the shaft. Relative pressure at the rotation generator exit depends on the Froude numbers at this exit and the rotation blocking contractor exit and also on the water level drop from the vertical shaft to the tunnel tail water; it is decreased linearly with an increase in any one of these three factors. We give the critical hydraulic conditions for the dissipator to operate in the bi-stable regime: the Froude number at the jet exit as an upstream condition, and the pressure at the rotation generator exit as a downstream condition. The results would help the design and optimization of jet-rotary joint cascade inner energy dissipators and their engineering application.

Key words: cascade inner energy dissipator, model test, critical hydraulic conditions, jacking pressure, wall pressure

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