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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 32-39.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190304

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  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-03-25

Experimental study on wave attenuation characteristics of rigid-flexible combined wavebreak forests

  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-03-25

摘要: 针对季节性水位变化大的河流,进行刚柔组合型植被消浪特性的物理试验研究,以保证其生态护岸工程设计在各种来水条件下均有较好的消浪效果。以老龙口河段为例,结合现有防浪林的树高及实测水位,分别对四种组合型植被进行八个水位条件下的消浪试验。研究表明:单一型防浪林在不同来水条件下消浪效果的差异较大,组合型防浪林整体效果较好;在老龙口河段,前柔后刚组合型防浪林方案更佳,透射系数均低于58.04%。组合型防浪林综合利用了各植被在不同水位条件下的消浪优势,使得在水位变幅大的河道中营建防浪林更为经济合理,基于物理试验的刚柔组合型植被消浪特性分析可为老龙口河段及其类似河流的生态护岸工程提供理论支撑,具有实际应用价值。

关键词: 波浪水力学, 消浪效果, 物理模型试验, 刚柔组合型防浪林, 老龙口河段

Abstract: A wavebreak forest combing rigid and flexible vegetation is founded out through experimental tests on the water attenuation property of different wavebreak forests in this study. This combination is specific to rivers with significant seasonal variation in water level, and it seems to ensure a better wave breaking performance of ecological revetment projects. We conduct wave breaking tests on four combined types of rigid and flexible vegetation under eight different water levels, considering the height of existing wavebreak forests and the measured water levels in the Laolongkou reach. Results show that in different inflow conditions, a large disparity in the wave-breaking effect of a wavebreak forest of the single vegetation type is observed, while the combined vegetation types produce an improved, stable effect. The transmission coefficients of rigid-flexible combined wavebreak forests are smaller than 58%. Different type of vegetation has its own superiority in water attenuation under different water levels, and such an advantage can be utilized and integrated by a combined type adequately. Therefore, a combined type can achieve better, stable effect in water attenuation, making it more cost-efficient and reasonable to construct rigid-flexible wavebreak forests within rivers featured with a wide range of fluctuations in water level. The results would help the design of ecological revetment projects on rivers similar to the Laolongkou reach.

Key words: wave hydraulics, wave attenuation, physical model test, rigid-flexible combined wavebreak forests, Laolongkou reach

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