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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 23-31.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190303

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  • 出版日期:2019-03-25 发布日期:2019-03-21

Numerical study of wave effects on changes in offshore morphology during storm surges

  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-03-21

摘要: 建立了一个波流耦合作用下泥沙输移的平面二维数值模型,以研究风暴潮过程中地形冲淤变化的规律及波浪的影响。水流和泥沙输运的模拟采用水沙耦合数值模型,以考虑强冲淤条件下地形变化与水流运动之间的相互作用。波浪场模拟采用SWAN模型,计算得到的波浪辐射应力输入水沙耦合数值模型实现波流耦合。采用建立的模型对风暴潮过程中近岸地形变化进行了分析,结果表明,波浪对地形演变的影响程度随着风暴潮潮位的增加而减小。当风暴潮潮位较小时,近潮汐通道处形成不对称的三角洲、入口处形成冲刷坑;当风暴潮潮位较高时,形成的三角洲不对称性较小。当风暴潮潮位升高,近岸水深与波长之比大于0.15时,波流耦合模型与不考虑波浪作用模型计算所得的地形变化的绝对误差为整体地形变化的5%,但前者计算时间增加了一倍,因此,波流耦合计算对于风暴潮潮位较低,近岸水深与波长之比小于0.15时具有重要意义。

关键词: 数值模拟, 波流耦合, 泥沙输移, 风暴潮, 岸滩演变

Abstract: A two-dimensional numerical model is developed for investigating the effects of waves on sediment transport and bed morphology dynamics under different storm surge conditions. This work is based on an existing shallow water model coupling interactions between the flow, sediment transport, and bed changes. The SWAN model is adopted to simulate wave action, and its simulations of wave radiation stress are coupled into an existing sediment-flow model. Changes in the morphology of an idealized coast in different storm surge conditions are examined and compared. Results show that the wave effect decreases with the raising storm tide level. When the surge is weak, asymmetrical shoals are formed upstream and downstream of the tide inlet and a scour hole is formed at the entrance; at a high surge level, the asymmetry is weak, and the difference in morphological changes calculated with and without the wave effect is roughly 5% at the ratio of water depth to wavelength less than 0.15. Calculating the wave effects could double computational cost. This study also suggests that coupling waves and flows is important for modeling low storm surge tides.

Key words: numerical simulation, wave and flow interaction, sediment transport, storm surge, morphology change

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