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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 47-56.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190205

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纪昌明, 俞洪杰, 阎晓冉, 魏晓雯, 李继清   

  • 出版日期:2019-02-25 发布日期:2019-02-25

Improved model of maximum energy storage increment based on progressive approximation

JI Changming, YU Hongjie, YAN Xiaoran, WEI Xiaowen, LI Jiqing   

  • Online:2019-02-25 Published:2019-02-25

摘要: 传统蓄能增量最大准则未考虑水电站发电效率的影响,并以时段平均值近似计算蓄能增量,无法真实反映水电站调度目标。针对上述不足,首先引入能效系数来反映水电站对水能资源的利用能力,对传统蓄能增量最大准则进行了改进;其次采用逐步逼近算法对改进蓄能增量最大准则中各水电站的能效系数进行了优化计算,并建立了基于逐步逼近思想的改进蓄能增量最大模型;最后以堵河流域潘口、小漩梯级水库为研究对象进行了实例计算。结果表明,所建模型科学合理,通过模型计算能够有效提升梯级水库蓄能,增加梯级水电站的发电效益;相比于现有模型,该模型对应的优化效果更加明显,能够为“以电定水”模式下的生产实践提供更加有效的指导。

关键词: “以电定水”模式, 蓄能增量最大, 优化准则, 能效系数, 逐步逼近

Abstract: The traditional criterion of maximum energy storage increment does not reflect the dispatching objective of a hydropower station, because it ignores the influence of power generation efficiency and uses the average value over a certain period to calculate energy storage increment. This paper first examines the concept of energy efficiency coefficient and uses it to calculate a hydropower station's capacity of utilizing hydropower resources, and improves the traditional criterion of maximum energy storage increment. Then, we adopt a progressive approximation algorithm and the improved criterion to calculate more accurately the energy efficiency coefficient for each hydropower station in a river basin, and construct an improved model of maximum energy storage increment based on this coefficient. Finally, a case study of the Pankou-Xiaoxuan cascade reservoirs in the Du River basin is given. The results show that the improvement is reasonable and effective in increasing the energy storage and power generation benefits of cascade reservoirs. Compared with the existing models, this improved model gives better optimization effect, thus useful to the hydropower developing practices of electricity to water mode.

Key words: electricity to water mode, maximum energy storage increment, optimization criteria, energy efficiency coefficient, progressive approximation

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