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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 41-51.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190105

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谢奇珂 1,刘昭伟 1,陈永灿 1, 2,陈 啸 1#br#   

  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-01-25

Internal waves in a deep run-of-river reservoir under hydro-peaking

XIE Qike1, LIU Zhaowei1, CHEN Yongcan1, 2, CHEN Xiao1#br#   

  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-01-25

摘要: 溪洛渡水库是典型的河流型深水库,在库区水温分层的情况下,出流日调节引起温跃层内波。通过布设温度链对库区水温进行长期监测,同时建立了库区立面二维数值模型对内波进行模拟,并对库区的内波现象、形成机理和传播速度等特性进行研究。结果表明,变温层取水及出流流量波动导致取水区段变温层的厚度变化,进而形成了周期为24小时的内波;内波向上游传递,振幅在传播中衰减,模拟的波速与K-H内波理论的计算值基本吻合;出流日调节型内波对于深水层下降的速率没有显著影响。由于目前对河流型深水库内波现象的研究较少,文章有助于加深对于水库内波现象的理解,并为水库内波相关的工程应用提供分析工具和理论依据。

关键词: 水库, 水温, 内波, 出流日调节, 现场观测, 数值模拟

Abstract: The Xiluodu reservoir is a typical deep run-of-river reservoir where hydro-peaking under stratification induces internal waves at its metalimnion. In this study, we take long-term measurement of water temperature in the reservoir using a thermistor chain, and develop a longitudinal-vertical two-dimensional numerical model to simulate these waves, focusing on the internal wave phenomenon and its formation and propagation features. Results show that the waves have a period of 24 hours and are induced by epilimnetic withdraw and hydro-peaking. They travel upstream along the metalimnion with decaying amplitudes and their travelling speeds agree well with the calculations using the Kelvin-Helmholtz wave theory. Also, they have no significant influence on the hypolimnion deepening. Currently, only a few exiting studies about internal waves in deep run-of-river reservoirs can be found. This study would shed light on our understanding of internal waves in reservoirs and help the analysis and design of related engineering applications.

Key words: reservoir, water temperature, internal wave, hydro-peaking, on-site observation, numerical simulation

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