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水力发电学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 32-40.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20190104

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张清振, 唐文哲, 张旭腾, 沈文欣, 雷振, 黄煜蕾   

  • 出版日期:2019-01-25 发布日期:2019-01-25

Design management of international EPC projects based on contractor-designer alliance

ZHANG Qingzhen, TANG Wenzhe, ZHANG Xuteng, SHEN Wenxin, LEI Zhen, HUANG Yulei   

  • Online:2019-01-25 Published:2019-01-25

摘要: 我国国际设计-采购-施工(EPC)项目总承包商主要为施工企业,其强项在于施工,需要选择恰当的设计方作为合作联盟伙伴,以提升EPC项目设计能力。基于文献调研,构建了基于总承包商-设计方合作联盟的设计能力提升模型。通过调研问卷、专家访谈和案例分析,采用路径分析方法验证了该模型,揭示了总承包商–设计方合作联盟到最终设计能力有两条重要的路径:合作联盟→初步设计能力→最终设计能力;合作联盟→最终设计能力。初步设计能力是最终设计能力的基础,能够在很大程度上影响最终设计能力,总承包商-设计方合作联盟不仅可以通过加强初步设计能力来提高最终设计能力,而且可以直接提升最终设计能力。

关键词: 国际工程, 设计-采购-施工, 合作联盟, 初步设计能力, 最终设计能力

Abstract: The majority of Chinese international Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) contractors are construction companies. Because their strengths lie in construction, there is a clear need for these contractors to choose suitable designers as their cooperative alliance to improve the design ability of international EPC project. Based on literature review, we construct a conceptual model of alliance between contractors and designers in international EPC projects. Path analysis is adopted to analyze the data collected through questionnaires, interviews, and case studies to test the above conceptual model, and two significant paths from contractor-designer alliance to final design ability are revealed: alliance → preliminary design ability → final design ability; alliance → final design ability. The results demonstrate that preliminary design ability is the basis of final design ability and can critically affect the latter. The contractor-designer alliance can not only improve its final design ability by enhancing its preliminary design ability, but also directly promote its final design ability.

Key words: international project, engineering procurement construction (EPC), alliance, preliminary design ability, final design ability

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