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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (12): 11-21.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20181202

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  • 出版日期:2018-12-25 发布日期:2018-12-25

InSAR application to deformation monitoring on reservoir bank slopes using COSMO-SkyMed data

  • Online:2018-12-25 Published:2018-12-25

摘要: 形变一直是评估水库边坡稳定性的重要指标。以2013—2016年内COSMO-SkyMed系统采集的SAR数据为输入,利用PSP-InSAR技术对深圳市长岭陂水库边坡开展了形变监测。在数据分析过程中,首先引入了形变随水位变化模型。接着,基于实测数据,全面对比了传统模型和本文提出的模型在提取水库边坡形变信息过程中的性能,并重点讨论了受水位变化影响较大区域的形变信息。然后,结合当地水准测量数据,评估了InSAR(合成孔径雷达干涉测量)技术的形变测量精度,并进一步讨论了两种模型在数据分析过程中的特点。分析结果证实,在水库边坡的形变分析过程中,应用本文提出的模型能从InSAR数据库中挖掘出更多的形变特征信息。

Abstract: Deformation monitoring is important for evaluating the stability of reservoir bank slopes. This paper presents an application of PSP-InSAR technology to deformation monitoring on the bank slopes of reservoirs, along with an analysis of the Changlingpi reservoir in Shenzhen using SAR data collected by a COSMO-SkyMed system during 2013-2016. In the analysis, we develop a deformation model applicable to reservoirs with time-varying levels, and make a comprehensive comparison of this model with the traditional model based on InSAR measurements, focusing on their performances in extracting bank slope information. And the deformation response of the area more significantly influenced by the variations of water level is discussed. Then, the accuracy of InSAR measurements is estimated by comparing with corresponding level measurement data, and the characteristics of the two models are further discussed. Results show that our model is capable of mining more deformation information of reservoir bank slopes from InSAR databases.

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