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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 97-106.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20181110

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  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2018-11-25

Impacts of drainage pipe network complexity on urban stormwater modeling

  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2018-11-25

摘要: 排水管网是城市暴雨洪水模拟中的关键因素,但受到数据和模型的限制,管网结构通常被概化考虑。本研究构建了强化汇流过程的精细城市雨洪模型(REDUS),以清华园为研究对象,采用了路/管单层排水系统和路管双层排水系统两类模拟方案,定量分析了典型暴雨情景下的管网排水作用及管网结构概化的影响。结果表明:排水管网主要起到快速、定向的排水作用;管网结构概化会低估洪水过程的洪峰及洪量,与使用全管网相比,仅采用骨干管网在单层系统中会使洪峰和洪量均降低27%,在双层系统中会使洪峰降低37% ~ 56%,洪量降低18% ~ 32%;双层系统能提供更可靠的城市雨洪过程,但需要应用更精细的管网数据。研究成果为海绵城市建设中如何评估排水管网的作用提供了工具和建议。

Abstract: Drainage pipe network is a key element in urban storm water routing, but it is often simplified in modeling because of data availability and modeling capability. To identify the function of such networks and understand the influence of its complexity on hydrological responses, we develop a routing-enhanced detailed urban stormwater model (REDUS) and apply it to simulations of the Tsinghua campus drainage, focusing on comparative analysis of typical storm water processes in two systems: a single drainage system and a dual drainage system. Results show that in either system, the network contributes to a rapid and directional discharge of flood water, and that a lower complexity in modeling dramatically underestimates the flood peak and volume when smaller pipelines are excluded from the system. Compared to the cases with no simplification, a drainage system only including the truck pipelines underestimates the flood peak and volume both by 27% for the single system, and it underestimates by 37% - 56% and 18% - 32% respectively for the dual system. Although the dual system ensures more accurate and reliable results, it relies on more detailed data of the pipe network. This study provides a useful tool and helpful suggestions on how to model drainage pipe networks for sponge city construction.

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