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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (11): 85-96.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20181109

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  • 出版日期:2018-11-25 发布日期:2018-11-25

Modeling cantilever bank collapse of peat-type meandering channel in Yellow River source region

  • Online:2018-11-25 Published:2018-11-25

摘要: 悬臂式崩岸是黄河源泥炭型弯曲河流崩岸的主要形式,其崩岸过程与临界条件决定弯道横向迁移速率。采用野外测量、理论建模和数值模拟相结合的方法,研究若尔盖盆地黑河支流麦曲上游一个“Ω”型弯道的5个实测断面的崩岸过程与临界条件。根据泥炭型弯曲河流的二元结构河岸特点,建立其河岸稳定性模型,推导上、下层土体发生悬臂式张拉破坏及剪切破坏的静力平衡方程。基于实测岸坡形态、河岸土体组成和水流条件,运用BSTEM模型模拟5个实测断面粉沙层的崩岸过程,得到洪水期河岸整体处于临界崩塌状态下的稳定性系数,预测了5个实测断面发生3次连续崩岸后的岸坡形态,与野外观测结果较吻合。

Abstract: Cantilever bank collapse is the dominant pattern in the peat-type meandering river of the Zoige basin in the Yellow River source region, but few previous studies were aimed at revealing this type of bank failure and its threshold conditions that determine the lateral migration rate of a meandering river. In this work, we apply a combination method of field measurement, theoretical model and numerical simulation to study the bank collapse process and its threshold conditions of a Ω-shaped bend in the upper Maiqu, a tributary of the Black River in the Zoige basin, focusing on the five cross sections of the bend where we take field measurements. A theoretical model of cantilever riverbank stability, namely BSTEM, is developed for this peat-type meandering river with composite bank layers of different soils, and static equilibrium equations are derived to describe cantilever tension failure and shear failure of the upper and lower layers. BSTEM is used to simulate the bank failure process of the silt layer at the five sections, and verified using the field-measured data of bank profile, bank soil composition, and hydrological parameters. We calculate the bank stability coefficient at a threshold collapse condition of the bank in flood period, and predict time changes in bank profiles at the five sections caused by three straight occurrences of bank failure, achieving a good agreement with measurements.

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